Page 75 of The Heir

“Well, you, me, Binx, we grew up differently than the other guys, even the guys we’re with, mostly. Dex wasn’t poor. I know his family had some money from their organization, but nothing like us.”

“I guess not.”

Prince waited patiently while Sel sorted through his words, but nothing came to him that could explain what he felt. It wasn’t needed. It seemed Prince already knew where he was going.

“It’s different, growing up with everything, Sel. You more than me, I’m guessing, because your family showed you a lot of love. I’ve seen you with Dante. He shines when he looks at you. You’re not just some…heir to everything, you’re special to him, and I’m guessing to your parents, too.

“When Dex saw me, I needed a…I needed someone to love me. He’s been that. Indio didn’t come from a family like Dex’s or ours. He was hurt badly right from the start. Mal told us…those burns on his arms? His dad put out cigarettes on him. His mom was too drunk to care.”

Sel lost any appetite he could have had. “God…no.”

“So, with him, Sel, be patient. He will not trust anyone easily. Even in his club, it took him a long time to trust his brothers, but now that he does, he’s the most loyal member. Eight told Kirk and Mal all this because they needed to know about the guy helping to represent them too. They trust him. Mal loves him, Sel.”

“I’d never hurt him, Prince!”

“Oh, I know that. I see the way you look at him. Mal knows that too. We all see, we’ve seen since we all met and got to know you. Maybe talk to Mal about some of this. But…if you care about him, Sel, don’t give up on him.”

“I didn’t plan to. We…we were together last night.”

Prince turned his head, but not in time to hide his smile.

“You guys already knew.”

He faced Sel again and said, “The bed was…banging on the floor and the walls, and you were kinda loud, and…”

“Okay, I get it,” he said as his face was as hot as an iron. “Don’t let him know. He thinks we’re being so sneaky.”

“Oh, no. We won’t. Just…don’t give up on him. Our guys have lived in danger, surrounded by it most of their lives. It might not be easy for them to admit they love someone, it may be harder to reach out, but they always do.”

Sel held out his hand and Prince took it, and they squeezed their hands together while a tear escaped Sel’s eye. “I’m not expecting anything. I might hope, but I won’t expect.”

“Good. Now, eat, and then come down. Binx has a plan.”

“Oh god,” he said as he released Prince’s hand. “Not the jealousy thing.”

“No! Marius told us about how Indio was with Bennie for touching you. We’re not trying to get anyone killed!”

Sel was left alone to pick at his breakfast. His hunger hadn’t returned after learning of the abuse Indio had endured.

It was little wonder why he hated Sel’s situation, how he was raised. Not only was he rich, but he was loved and protected.

Sel’s head fell back on the headboard, his heart hurting so badly, he felt like it would explode in his chest.

That was the moment he knew he was definitely falling in love with the man. “God, I’m an idiot.”

After he took his tray down, kissing Binx’s cheek in thanks, he and the others convened in the kitchen, Mal pacing to assure they wouldn’t be overheard.

Binx was all about getting them together. It was sweet, and he couldn’t have hidden his feelings if he tried. “You want the guy. You had sex with him, so now what?”

“I can’t believe you all know. God.”

Binx rolled his eyes. “Believe me, if my Sirs and I were to get busy, the whole ranch would hear.”

Prince laughed and agreed, “We’ve been…less active, too.”

“Okay, okay, well, now that the construction has started again, you all will have your own places soon. You can be as loud as can be and ignore Indio and me.”

“So, that tells me you’re planning to be with him that long,” Binx said with a knowing grin.