Page 73 of The Heir

It was both a challenge and a goad, and Sel smiled wickedly. “I can take whatever you want to give, trashy fucking biker.”

Indio slapped his hand over Sel’s mouth and chuckled darkly. “You just can’t stop yourself, huh? I’ll shut you up one way or the other.”

Sel knew that he probably should have kept his mouth shut, but he couldn’t help it. Indio brought something dark in him, something that wanted to fight, to sneer and goad right back at him.

The face above him was evil, narrowed darkened eyes glaring as he pulled nearly all the way out of Sel, lips twitching up into a grin that was purely malicious.

As Indio moved his cock inside him steadily, quickly, Sel felt as if he’d fallen from one of those cliffs on the side of the mountains, landing on a thick fir tree, right in the ass.

He clenched his entire body, squeezing Indio with his legs, digging his nails into Indio’s flexed biceps. Instead of showing pain, Indio laughed breathily, taunting him more.

“Yeah, hurt me back. Show me, baby. Show me how you can take this big biker cock.”

Sel started to growl behind that hand over his mouth, and he was determined to not only take that huge dick but enjoy it. He wanted Indio to see it, see him enjoying it, know how strong Sel was, no matter that he was a spoiled rich kid.

As Indio’s thrusts hastened, Sel gritted his teeth and peeled Indio’s hand off his face, baring his teeth at the man.

“You’re a little badger, huh? Gonna bite me next?”

Sel grabbed the back of Indio’s neck and pulled him down, biting his bottom lip. Even then, Indio laughed.

Speeding his thrusts, Indio turned the tables on Sel, taking him into a kiss that was all teeth and pain. Sucking Sel’s tongue, then biting his lips, fucking him harder, Indio was determined to show who had the upper hand and the upper everything else, for that matter.

He held Selestino down on the bed, taking him hard, growling into his mouth before moving his teeth to Sel’s neck and sucking, biting a mark there as Sel began to call out loudly, incomprehensible words.

They were cut off as Indio took his mouth again, pounding harder inside his ass, pulling his hair to force Sel’s head to the side and again, he took hold of Sel’s neck in his teeth, his lips, sucking, fucking, the tumble of his arousal end over end in a heated sea filled with sharks…

Sel was taken so far from his own body, his own reality, he didn’t know where he was, how he was taking it. How Indio kept increasing the ferocity of his thrusts, he’d never know. Like he had an engine that revved and revved and revved without ever topping out. His eyes were slits, mouth wide, thin in an evil grin, body flexed, sweat swiping over Sel’s flesh.

The heat between them was so intense, growing more every second, his ass taking a beating from that huge dick, body wrapped tightly around Indio’s, his keening louder despite the hand he’d once again slapped over Sel’s mouth. “Shut…up! You want everyone in the house to hear us?”

Sel didn’t care if the entire ranch heard them, or even saw him. Suddenly, that thought alone, having the room filled with men, all staring, getting heated as they watched Indio and Sel, Indio fucking him half to death, clapping, cheering them on…it made him crazy and he started to feel his orgasm rolling through him, squeezing his insides, taking the very air from his lungs.

It wasn’t long before Indio’s hips stuttered and he set his forehead on Sel’s, his grunts as he started to come were deep, like a bear running through the woods. Sel’s arms fell to the sides of him and Indio rested his body atop Sel’s while he finished coming.

Sel’s breathing was heavy, ragged, and he sucked in a huge breath so he could say, “Fuck!”

“Can’t. Give me a couple of minutes to recover.”

Laughing, he pushed Indio off him and felt the cool air hitting his sweaty chest. “Fuck!”

“Stubborn. Okay, I’ll try.”

“Keep that dick away from me. At least…for a while.”

Gloating, Indio moved up to lean on his arm and stared down at Sel. “Finally shut you up.”

“Not a chance.”

Indio ran a finger over Sel’s lips, tracing them as he whispered, “You know that was just a fuck, right? I ain’t buying you no promise ring.”

Sel knew he was blustering and looked into Indio’s soft eyes. “I don’t need a ring. All the promise I need is right there, in those pretty eyes. You’re already falling so hard for me, it’s killing you.”

Indio chuckled and said, “If your uncle finds out about…any of this, that will be what kills me.”

Sel moved to his side and kissed Indio sweetly. “I don’t mind being your dirty little secret. Emphasis on the dirty part.”

Chapter Twenty-Two