Page 49 of The Heir

Selestino’s dark eyes moved to the door. “How are we getting out of here?”

“Someone will figure out we’re here or one of my brothers will want to come down here for something. You wanna pound on the door some more it’s your skin.”

As hard as it was, he pulled himself away from the guy, moving slowly down the stairs until he was on the landing, and forced himself to keep from peering over his shoulder to see if Selestino was going to follow him.

The second he sat on his cot he heard the footfalls on the stairs as Selestino descended. He leaned on the post next to the stairs and said, “If you don’t hate me, why do you act like you do?”

Indio stared at his own arm, where there were a series of small round scars. He remembered getting every single one of them. “Never had much to do with guys like you.”

“Guys like me?”

“Getting everything you ever wanted or needed. You got family falling all over themselves to take care of you, and what do you do? Bitch and complain about it. Fucking stupid.”

After almost getting punched, Selestino came to sit beside him on the cot. “I take it you never had someone fawning over you to make sure nothing ever touched you?”

“Nope. Pretty much the opposite.”

“Then, maybe, you can’t understand where I’m coming from any more than I can understand you. I’m not complaining about being loved and cared for. I’m trying to break loose from a cage. Sure, it’s a warm, comfortable cage, but it’s a cage, nonetheless.”

Indio turned his head, and the sheer beauty of the guy struck him harder than his fist had struck the wall. He felt himself waver just looking at Sel. “So, we don’t get each other. And?”

“And maybe we can stop biting at each other like two wolves fighting over a bitch.”

“Whoa! I didn’t think guys like you said naughty words.”

“Technically, bitch isn’t a naughty word,” he said, his eyes shining with mischief.

God, the fucker was cute. Indio knew how easily he could get suckered by that cuteness. “Listen, we have to get you out of here. If your uncle knows you were locked in here with me…”

“My uncle will get pissed off at me. I’m already on his last nerve.”

“Yeah, I can see that happening.”

They heard the click of a lock and saw light from the upper floor shining onto the stairs. Indio rose and moved away from the cot, unwilling to get shot for being on a bed with the heir to the Carrillo line.

As the person coming down the stairs bent over to show their face, while still keeping enough room between him and them, he saw it was that crazy-haired cook, Binx. “Hey, guys! You accidentally got locked down here, huh?”

“Yeah, accidentally, Binxie,” Sel said, laughing.

“Well, you’re both still breathing, so no harm, no foul. And, uh, no reason to tell anyone, you know, important.”

Sel got up and went to the stairs, telling Binx, “You’re still getting hired if you want the job.”

“Yeah, like it’s the job I’m worried about. My Sirs and your uncle could do a lot worse to me than turn me down for a job.”

Chapter Fifteen

Dante invited the new sheriff in for coffee and she sat hard in the chair across from him while Bruno brought them each a mug. As he sipped his, Vic Meyer snarked, “When were you fixing to tell me about Brooks being back in Montana?”

“Why, today, Mrs. Meyers,” he said with a smooth grin.

“Right. Well, do you know where he is?”

“Not yet, but we have protections in place. I suggest the town button-down too. I’ve sent a few men to patrol there…gently.”

“I’ve seen ‘em. That’s why I knew something was up. Then I cornered a couple of the hands at the bunkhouse and got the truth out of ‘em. Not that I needed to. One kept checking his GPS. Kept pulling it out of his pocket and shaking it around.”

“Oh, no!” Dante didn’t have any intention of leaving out the sheriff, but he also didn’t want her to prematurely call in the federal agents. “Vic, I know you’re obliged to call in the FBI, but…”