Page 60 of The Heir

“We’re not leaving you,” Sel told them. “What the hell would I tell Prince or any of your families? How the fuck would I ever sleep at night?” Indio started to wake up and Sel ran to him. “Indio? You okay?”

He lifted his head and shook it. “What the fuck happened?”

Dex scoffed, “We’ve been taken by the big bad serial killer, that’s what.”

“No way! Fucking hell, man.”

As Indio sat upright, his eyes found Sel. “You too, huh? How’d he get you?”

“He didn’t. This shithead snuck in here,” Marius told him, looking Indio’s head over for injuries. “You were out a while. Did he hit your head or something?”

“How would I know? I fell into this fucking hole full of water and then…I don’t remember.”

“He shot you with a tranq dart, then brought you here.”

Indio scowled at him, and Sel was instantly pissed. “You snuck here? How pissed off are you trying to make your uncle at us?”

Sel pushed Indio’s chest as he got back to his feet and spat, “You’re welcome and fuck right off, Indio.”

“Enough, you two. Save the foreplay for after we get loose of this place,” Marius drawled. “Hey, speaking of, well, guys I’m fucking. How are Dallas and Ruben? They’re not caught up in this, are they?”

Sel shook his head, pointedly ignoring Indio. “Dallas was still at the ranch, but Ruben was fine.”

“They’re gonna lose their shit over this. Dallas is going to come out with some shotgun, ready to gather up a posse.”

“Dallas is a good man,” Avery defended, although he didn’t need to. “We’ll get rescued if Dallas has anything to say 'bout it.”

Dex struggled more with the wire around his wrists. “All of them are trying, I’d bet. Especially with Sel here. Dante’s likely losing his mind.” He gave up and let his hands drop. “Fuck, these are cutting into my skin.”

“We need a plan,” Sel said as he looked around at everyone except Indio. “He’ll be back soon. I have a gun, but if I shoot him, we’ll be stuck in here with a rotting corpse.”

Indio got to his feet and looked around, cussing under his breath as he tore up the bunks in each room. “Fuck!”

“We’ve looked through there already,” Sel sniped.

“Yeah, well, you’d probably hit one of us if you tried to shoot him.”

Sel’s temper was rising, and he knew better than to let it loose. They didn’t have time. “Go fuck yourself, biker.”

Dex groaned, “Knock it off! Think!”

“Why can’t we make ‘im tell us the code?” Avery asked.

“And if he doesn’t, we’re still stuck in here with him,” Jim said, sighing. “The only way is him going in or out. Can’t we, I don’t know, block off the door, so it can’t shut all the way?”

Sel liked that idea. “Hey, once he comes in, one of us blocks the door, another holds the gun on him.”

Marius groaned, “That door. When he left, I heard a whooshing sound. It’s got to be sealed, like air-locked.”

Avery asked, “Like in that movie…War Games? That big ol’ door with the steel running through it.”

“I doubt it’s that elaborate, but yes,” Marius said.

“The front door is a gull-wing, swings up instead of open to the side,” Bennie said. “The hinges are on the roof.”

“That’s right,” Sel agreed. “It swung up. With that kind of weight coming down, there’s no way we could find something that wouldn’t be crushed, but the back door…”

“He’s been coming through the front, though,” Marius grunted. “If we could find a way to make the front not work, he’d have to come in the back, and the back is just a regular door. I don’t know where the hell it opens to. It’s solid steel, but unless there is another outer door, it’s our best shot.”