Page 95 of My Eternal Light

“Nil, tá an chomhghuaillíocht briste,” he replied.

The queen’s back went ramrod straight. “Salundro, it has been too long since you have basked in the light of the fae. I will open a temporary portal for you to return home.”

“Thank you, my queen.”

“We really must insist…” Brugmansia began.

“You would do well to never stand between me and my children,” the queen advised in a deadly tone.

Darian stood and went to the far side of the room and opened a portal.

Moments later a very relieved looking fae stepped through.

“Since you are opening up a temporary portal, can we ask that you send the twins Nigel and Neil Morninglory to Storm Keep?”

“Once again, I have no jurisdiction over the warriors,” the queen replied.

“They are not warriors. With Travis Hickory and Leif Grassfield being reassigned to Noctem Falls, the twins returned to a probationary status. Normally, that would mean they would be receiving instruction from family members to get them to where they need to be, but the twins are orphans. The council will take over their education.”

The twins looked at each other and they both nodded. Kincaid knew what that look meant. These two would go rogue before going back to Storm Keep.

Meryn stood up so fast she knocked her chair over. She reached into her small Bag of Wishes and pulled out a folded piece of paper. She ran around the table and handed it to the queen.

The queen skimmed it, a smile forming on her lips. “Brugmansia, you say that the twins have no family, but it was to my understanding that they were adopted by Meryn McKenzie as her brothers.”

“We received no such request.”

“Why would you? Adoption would have been a civil matter, it was approved by the Elder Council,” she informed him, grinning wickedly.

“Which one?” he asked.

“I would have to verify, but I’m pretty sure I heard Jedrek Lionhart speaking of it weeks ago, all four councils approved the adoption. Not only does that mean they have family, that makes them my family.”


Darian closed the portal.

“Karl Brugmansia, I consider the alliance between Storm Keep and Éire Danu broken. If you wish to reestablish cordial relations, I am willing to work with your Elder Council. Until then, the gifted portals from our nation to yours will remained closed.”

“I see,” he replied in a clipped tone.

“Have a wonderful day.”

She tapped the crystal and its inner light faded.

“Did that just happen?” Kincaid whispered.

Around the table, everyone looked to one another.

“Izzy, I’m gonna need more coffee,” Meryn said, walking back over to her chair. Ryuu righted it for her, and she sat down. “Lots more coffee.”

Chapter Thirteen

Kincaid watched his Elder carefully. The man had been staring into his teacup for the past five minutes.

“What do you mean we’re adopted?” Neil asked.

Meryn looked at the twins. “I said you were my brothers.”