Marshall cleared his throat, then brought up his hand. Moments later the air around them flexed and popped.
Zadie looked up at him. “Soundproofing?”
Kincaid nodded. “A pretty strong one at that. He is one of our Elders,” he said, proudly.
Marshall then looked to Kendrick then to the queen. “We may have a slight problem.”
Behind them Lily snorted. “Slight problem my ass! If I had a quarter of the power, you do I would have incinerated the lot of them.”
Brennus eyed Lily. “She really does take after you.”
Marshall winced. “I might have let her this time too.”
The queen motioned to the table. “Let us sit down.”
Once everyone was seated Marshall continued. “I’m not sure how much you know, but a few days ago, the Witches Council sent enforcers out for the first time.”
Kendrick leaned back. “We know. We may have inadvertently caused that.”
Marshall eyed his niece. “Why am I not surprised?”
Meryn looked indignant. “It wasn’t me this time! I swearsies!”
Kincaid leaned in. “Elder, I’m Kincaid Bayberry. This particular infraction was my doing.”
Zadie spoke up. “Let’s be fair, I’m the one that pepper-gel’d the witch council representative.”
Lily choked on her tea as she began to laugh. “I would have paid good money to see that.”
Marshall shook his head. “The enforcers were going practically door to door looking for ‘persons of interest’, yet even when I pressed them for more information, they would not tell me what was going on.”
Kendrick pointed to Kincaid. “A witch representative here in Éire Danu saw his third power come online.”
Marshall’s eyes widened. “Third?”
Kincaid nodded nervously. “Yes, Elder.”
Marshall looked to Kendrick. “Your doing?”
Kendrick just sat back looking very smug. “No, that was all on his own.”
“Well, no wonder they were more batshit crazy than normal,” Lily observed. “Though why they were in the Lower City…” she gasped. “Your family?”
Kincaid smiled reassuringly. “Safe. Kendrick was able to get to them in time.”
Law pointed to Marshall. “We swung by to get you, but we must have missed you by no more than an hour. We gave Caiden a heads up, so he organized the warriors and their families.”
Marshall shook his head. “When we heard about the patrols we went directly to the Council building. When we didn’t get any answers, we tried using the portal to come here, but it was shut down.”
The queen sat forward. “Excuse me?”
Lily picked up her teacup. “It’s why we’re late in arriving, we had to drive over twenty hours south to Noctem Falls to take their portal here.”
The walls around them flexed and the floor beneath their feet vibrated. “Portia!” the queen called.
“I’m here, Your Majesty.”
“Bring me the communication crystal,” she ordered.