Page 1 of My Eternal Light


Kincaid rolled over onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. According to Meryn, Declan dreamt of fire, Etain and Grant dreamt of death. Ari admitted to seeing Brie walk away and both Gage and Priest had been haunted by their mating dreams. He scratched his chin. Kiddos? Maybe they would spin their heads later like that Exorcist movie Meryn made them watch? Because honestly how bad could children be?

Chapter One

Kincaid wanted to sink into the floor. Evaporate. Shrivel up and die, anything would be preferable, to standing in the Queen’s personal chambers while his Commander’s mate openly stared at him, as his unit brothers and their mates watched on.

“Whoooooa…” Meryn exhaled softly.

A low growl filled the room, emanating from the scowling bear-shifter at the small woman’s side.

“How?” Amelia asked, in a breathy voice.

“I just used a spell to make my beard grow in,” Kincaid confessed. He kept looking toward the hall leading to Meryn’s bat cave. If he could just make it over there, he could escape their scrutiny.

“Kincaid, smile,” Meryn ordered, grinning evilly as she held up her phone.

Kincaid smiled the best he could, then heard a furious tapping from Meryn’s laptop.

Meryn looked to Anne and Amelia. “He gets a bump right? I mean, he’s like a totally different guy now.”

“Absolutely,” Amelia agreed. “He freaking looks like the scruffy version of Henry Cavill from Man of Steel. He definitely gets a bump!”

Meryn sighed.

“Hey!” Aiden protested.

“Bump?” Gage asked Meryn, turning the conversation back to what she was doing.

Kincaid was curious about that as well.

Anne chuckled. “Her unit warrior ranking system.”

“Why do I get the feeling it isn’t in regard to how well they can fight?” Brennus asked dryly.

“Because you know me so well, Uncle Bren,” Meryn beamed at her uncle.

There were a few dings, and when Meryn looked down, her eyes widened. “Oh. He’s not going to like that.”

Aiden stepped forward to look over her shoulder. “Who? What?”

She looked Kincaid’s way and pointed. “Kincaid just knocked Colton out of the top ten.”

Kincaid felt a hand slam across his back. He looked over to see Ari grinning at him. “Good job!”

Anne winced. “We better send brownies to Rheia. She’ll need the extra energy to baby Colton.”

Aiden rolled his eyes. “Why should we help her baby him?”

Anne smiled sweetly. “You did want warriors left in Lycaonia, right?”

“Dammit!” Aiden growled, reaching for his phone. He tapped quite a bit and sighed. “Peter has all of our credit cards on file at his point.”

Meryn paused her typing. “Wait. Does he deliver to Lycaonia?”

Aiden winced. “For a fee.”

“Hell yeah.”