Darian’s eyes narrowed at Oron. “You’re not playing fair.”
Amelia came over and dropped a kiss on Darian’s cheek before sitting between him and Meryn.
She felt Aiden kiss the back of her head. “Baby, I’m trying really hard to keep it together, but Ryuu looks exhausted and you’re wearing something that reeks of sulphur. I need to know you’re okay.”
Marshall leaned in. “Yes, exactly what did Oron mean by shadow entity?”
Meryn yawned. “Okay Kendrick you can take over now.”
Oron turned and simply leaned against her legs to face the room.
Kendrick explained how Ryuu reached out to some of the darker forces lingering in Japan and was answered by a creature with no name.
Ryuu flexed his hands. “He was supposed to speak only to me, but I think he caught the demon’s scent on Meryn, and she became interesting to him.”
The queen held up a hand. “Let me get this straight, the entity swallowed the men whole to take them to his realm where they will be tortured for eternity because part of the request by Meryn was for them to become immortal? He enjoyed the meal so much he gave her a ring that is somehow a weapon?”
Justice, Law, and Thane all nodded.
Oron, Darian, Ange, Rio and Cristo were smiling.
Brennus and Doran looked proud.
Lily looked satisfied and like Ryuu, Kendrick looked tired.
The queen looked to Kendrick. “The women?”
His hand went to his waist where his Bag of Wishes was attached. “I have them here. We can arrange for a memorial whenever you wish.”
“The tubes?” she asked, through clenched teeth.
“Darian, as king you should think of a way to thank her,” the queen said, looking just as proud of Meryn as Brennus.
“Can’t I just go back to being a unit warrior?” he asked, laying his head on Amelia’s shoulder.
“You are more than capable. I’ll say this, in case he hasn’t figured it out, Aiden, you’ll have to replace Oron as well. He swore to serve as Darian’s guard once he became king.”
Meryn felt Aiden slump back. “Dammit!”
Meryn half turned. “Can I pick them out?”
“What will you base their capabilities on?”
“You’re not adding to your database.”
“Do they hafta be fae?”
“That’s kinda the point, representatives from each race to maintain neutrality,” Aiden replied.
“Each race or each city? Can we recruit a goblin?”