Page 105 of My Eternal Light

Why on earth would you ask something like that? Violet asked, as she walked into the picture.

He pointed to Meryn. Our daughter eats too much meat. She acts more like a shifter than fae. He turned to Meryn. How about a fresh salad and fruit?

No. Yucko.

How about some hot dogs and chips? Violet suggested.

Yay! Meat sticks!

Eamon visibly shuddered. Do you know what hot dogs are made of?

Don’t care, she eats them.

Momma, dad said I have to be a witch in Halloweiner.

Oh, he did, did he?

Not quite. Eamon said, quickly.

Come on, Meryn. Dinnertime.


The image faded once more, and the sphere darkened.

Kendrick whirled until he faced Meryn.

She held up a hand. “I don’t remember shit.”

Kincaid watched as his king spun to where the image had been and back to Meryn, all with his mouth open.

Neil turned to Noah and Jaxon. “She saw us.”

Pip was vibrating in his chair. “We were brother and sister even when I thought no one loved me! But, Meryn loved me before we even met.”

Nigel shook his head. “She was waiting for us, all this time.”

Meryn winced. “I don’t remember though.”

Amelia leaned over and placed a hand on Meryn’s. “I think a part of you did.” With her other hand she dried her eyes. “You saw me too. ‘Girls are cousins’.”

Kendrick finally gave up and sat down. “She had premonitions, the same as Violet.” He eyed the small woman. “I wonder why you don’t get them now.”

Zadie laughed. “One word, two syllables. Trau-ma.”

Kendrick popped back up and began pacing. “Accurate premonitions are rare even in the magic community. For them to be lost because of some blood fueled, single brain-celled, troglodytes…” he began muttering to himself.

Anne sighed. “Oh dear. This will bother him for a while. Lost potential truly angers him.”

“I thought she still gets them sometimes,” Amelia asked.

Meryn shook her head. “Not like that. What I get is more like a forced download packet from the universe.”

“Ugh!” Kendrick exclaimed, throwing up his hands. He turned and faced her. “We’ll have to add some exercises to your regiment.”

Meryn groaned. “I was just getting the hang of this ball-sucking empathy stuff.”

Kendrick put his hands on his hips. “Wouldn’t you want the satisfaction of seeing an enemy’s plans completely implode because of something you saw?”