“Pa-ra-meters! We need parameters when making these sweeping promises to my mate,” Aiden protested. “I still can’t find where she hid that flamethrower.”
Brennus winked down at his niece then walked back to sit next to the queen. “I can spoil her as I please.”
“His aura was never truly violent, just exasperated,” Cas shared.
Aiden pointed behind them at Ryuu. “I swing when he does.”
Ryuu placed a hand over his heart. “Your faith humbles me.”
Cord appeared at the entrance to the kitchen. When he stepped forward, he blinked. “Ah. Soundproofing. I wondered why it got quiet. Brunch will be served shortly. Do we have any special requests?”
Kendrick waved his hand and the normal murmur of surrounding noises returned.
Kincaid rubbed his belly. “Anything to settle my stomach?”
Cord made a sympathetic clucking noise. “How does a sweet bowl of oatmeal sound?”
“Delicious,” he admitted.
Meryn wiggled in her seat, then froze.
“Shit!” Cas exclaimed, standing quickly. “It’s back.”
Ryuu reached for Meryn and black sparks erupted when he touched her shoulder. Long fangs emerged as he hissed at the darkness.
Pip’s lower lip trembled. “She’s okay right?”
Aiden growled. “We’ll know when she gets back.”
Kincaid looked into Meryn’s face and shuddered. There was nothing behind her eyes at all. “Goddess, watch over and protect my friend.”
“So mote it be,” Kendrick and Thane echoed.
“Again? Really? We were just about to eat. I’m so gonna get grilled for this?” Meryn walked over and plopped herself down into the plush, cream-colored leather couch. “That’s it. I’m getting one of these. Ryuu will just have to figure out how to keep it clean.”
“Welcome, my dear.”
“Do you remember our bargain?”
“That you are free to kill those involved in my parents’ death and will give me the memory of their demise in exchange for a memory that I chose for you.”
He smiled beautifully. “Given the fact that I, in a way owe you one for the lovely way you defended me. And that in divulging this information, it will contribute to the deaths of my prey, I believe I have a gift for you.”
Meryn eyed him closely. “This isn’t a ‘gift’ like where I wish I were taller, and you elongate my skull is it?”
The demon stared, then began laughing. “No. Though, I do love that image.”
“Whatcha got for me?”
He lifted his hand and numbers appeared on the wall. “Longitude and latitude.”
“Darling, would I tell you if it were?”