Brennus paled. “What?”
Kincaid didn’t want to wait for any more suggestions, delays or advice. “Thanks guys,” he said and led his mate through the courtyard to the walkway that led to the Founding, Noble and Warrior houses.
He stopped and she looked up at him. “Let’s go home.”
Grinning from ear to ear they hurried down the path.
Chapter Seven
Zadie walked next to Kincaid as they headed towards House Eirson.
As they approached the large building, she kept looking over at Kincaid nervously. When they stopped in front of what looked like a palace, she could only gawk and stare. “Kincaid, I thought they said this was House Eirson.”
He looked at her confused. “This is House Eirson.”
“Kincaid, this like is a freaking castle! I thought the house would be like on the other side or something. I didn’t know this was the house.”
He pointed behind them down the path they had just walked. “They’re all like this. These are the Founding, Noble and Warrior Houses.”
Zadie let her head fall back and closed her eyes. “Those are for the noble people. I’m not a noble Kincaid, I’m just a teacher.”
Kincaid took both of her hands in his. “You are so much more than that. You helped me when any other person would have shied away.”
She exhaled. “I was horny, and you’re hot.”
When he stayed silent, she opened her eyes and looked at him.
He was sputtering silently causing her to laugh. “I’m sorry.”
“Never, ever be sorry for desiring me. Not ever.” He frowned. “What was I saying?”
“You were being really creative as to why we’re allowed to live in a palace.”
“Mayhap, I can help,” Cord offered, walking up with a large basket slung on one arm.
Kincaid looked relieved. “I don’t think she realizes how special she is for taking care of the kids.”
Cord eyed Kincaid then he turned to her. “I think that neither of you understand your worth. Let us go inside, I will endeavor to explain things.”
He opened the door and allowed them to walk inside.
They followed him to the kitchen where he began unpacking what looked to be the components of their dinner. Once he had a tablecloth, cutlery and food arranged, he stood back and took in their expressions. “Oh dear, it may be worse than I imagined. Sit, you two.”
Like the children earlier, they obediently sat and looked at the spread.
Cord opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass for each of them.
Zadie felt awkward being served.
Cord simply topped them off, a smile on his face. Seeing that they now had their wine, he stepped back and draped a towel over his arm. “Let us address Lady Zadie first,” he started.
She held up her hand. “That right there. I’m not a lady of anything. I can understand the kids staying here, it’s like their family home, but that’s not the same for me. This isn’t like a studio apartment being offered as room and board!” she exclaimed, then took a large gulp of her wine.
“Let me correct myself. Let us start with Master Kincaid.” Cord turned to Kincaid, who swallowed nervously. “You are too young to remember how it was before the testing and evaluations. Most witches are born with an elemental affinity, and some even get a higher level gift, such as precognition or empathy.”
Zadie turned to Kincaid. “Didn’t you say you had empathy?”
Kincaid nodded. “It was recognized only recently by Kendrick.”