Page 39 of My Eternal Light

Anne walked over and sat down across from Kincaid. “He came directly here, then grabbed Darian to open a portal to Storm Keep. It is his hope that Darian can get them to Kendrick and Keelan’s old home in the Lower City. That would put them close to Kincaid’s family home. If luck is on our side, the Council is still deliberating on what to do and we can get them out.”

Zadie looked around. “Can the council do that? Just take people?”

Nigel paced behind Kincaid. “They would say it was for everyone’s safety. That since Kincaid has three emergent powers so young, everyone in his family should be evaluated.”

“My parents are barely five-hundred years old, with five little kids. There would be nothing they could do to protest,” Kincaid said and looked around wildly as if trying to find a way to his family. “I should be there.”

Nigel placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed down, forcing Kincaid to fall back in his seat. “You’re one extreme emotion from disaster and exhaustion. You called on the right person. Kendrick will bring them here.”

“Giles is only fifteen. Draven is eight and the triplets, the girls are only five,” he whispered. “They’re too young to be ripped from their home because of me.”

Meryn stared. “Dude! I thought multiple births were rare.”

Neil nodded. “They are, but of the four races, they happen more amongst witches.”

“Wouldn’t your sisters be like super rare?” Meryn asked.

Kincaid shook his head. “No one in my family tested high for magic. They only have just enough to do basic spells. Even my magic until recently barely worked right. We weren’t on their radar until tonight.”

“Mr. Kincaid?” a small voice called out from the door.

Cody stood holding what looked like a makeshift washcloth teddy bear. “Are you crying?”

Kincaid straightened immediately. “No, buddy, I’m okay.”

Cody walked over and climbed into his lap. “You’re not. It’s not nice to lie.”

Kincaid cuddled the boy close. “I’m sorry I lied. I didn’t want you to worry for me.”

Cody looked up at him. “I’m pretty tough.”

Kincaid nodded. “That you are.” He took the teddy bear and bopped Cody on the nose with the nose of the bear, causing him to smile. “I think some bad men might go after my family, so I sent my teacher for them. I have little brothers and sisters about your age, so it’s just hard to wait,” he admitted.

“If they get brought here, we can look after them,” Cody promised.

Kincaid swallowed hard and placed his chin on Cody’s head to hide his tears. “I am truly blessed to know such a great kid like you Cody.”

Cody sat back so he could look Kincaid in the eye. “We’re friends. Someday, I’m gonna be a warrior like you and Mr. Aiden, then I can protect my brothers and sisters and yours.”

Aiden ruffled Cody’s hair. “I can’t wait to see what kind of warrior you’ll be.”

Cody was about to answer when a golden light flooded the space by a set of double doors, that looked like it led to a garden. Moments later people began to stream through.

“Laelia! Radclyffe!” Meryn hopped up and ran over to the newcomers. “What in the world?”

The couple looked pissed, but determined. “Hold on Meryn, we still have people coming through.” Laelia said, pulling Meryn to one side.

An older woman came next, then two tall men that looked a lot like Thane, one of which was holding a boy, followed by Darian with a girl on his hip. Finally, Kendrick came through with a young couple each holding a terrified little girl.

“Mother, father!” Kincaid hurried over to the young couple Cody on his right hip. “Are you all right? Did anything happen?” He took in his parents’ harried appearance then rushed over to Darian relieving him of a tiny girl that was weeping softly. “Shuush, now Ember.” He balanced her on his left hip.

“Caid!” she wailed.

His parents converged on him holding him close. “Thank the gods you sent Kendrick when you did,” his father began.

His mother was openly staring at Zadie, who was right behind him, her hand on his back. “Who is this?”

Kincaid looked back at her and smiled. “Mother, Father, I can’t even imagine what this evening has been like for you, but I have someone I have been waiting my whole life to introduce you to.”