Page 39 of My Salvation

Amelia paled. “Gods.”

“This should be good,” Anne said, sipping her wine.

Brie simply kicked back her beer, then nodded approvingly.

In a loud voice Cas yelled out. “No way! I saw them earlier, the Vanguard definitely out muscle the warriors.”

Not missing a beat, Meryn shook her head. “I have personally watched the warriors train, the Vanguard would be hard pressed to keep up.”

Around them, the men quieted, their eyes darting around to see who else was listening.

“Meryn, these guys just got out of the military.”

“Well, units are like the military.”

“I’m telling you, what I saw this morning would be impossible to beat.”

“Bet me!” Meryn yelled, then looked over to Ramsey and another warrior who could almost be his twin. “Guys!”

They both made their way over. “What’s the matter short stuff?”

“Ramsey can you and Broden show Cas how buff you are?” Meryn asked, her eyes wide and pleading.

Both men broke out in identical shit-eating grins and immediately began to strip off their shirts.

Cas tried to keep a straight face. “Now, don’t get me wrong, they are pretty cut, but…” She eyed the crowd as if looking for help amongst the Vanguard.

More than one Vanguard stepped forward, pulling off their shirts as they did this morning. “We’d be more than happy to represent the Vanguard, Lady Vi’Illiya,” the broad-chested man said winking at them.

Cas pointed to the men. “See Meryn.”

Meryn narrowed her eyes. “That’s just a couple. We can’t make a decision on just a couple.”

Around them, the men removed their shirts, much to the chagrin of the mated warriors who stood together looking dumb-founded.

“Meryn!” a deep male voice roared.

Seconds later, Aiden stalked over, his eyes black as he pulled her close to him, rubbing his cheek on her head and glaring at the men.

“Where’s Rex? I wanna see Rex’s arms,” Meryn said, squirming under her mate’s exuberance.

“As an Elder, I feel obligated to represent those who serve on the council. And I can hardly disappoint you ladies.” With a seductive grace, he removed his shirt.

Cas and Meryn stared.

“Holy shit!” Zoe exclaimed.

Meryn looked smug. “I told you he had the best arms.”

Cas tapped her lips with her finger. “But he’s neither unit warrior nor Vanguard.”

Meryn nodded. “True.”

“What in the hell are you doing?”Aiden demanded.

Meryn looked up at him confused. “Comparing muscles. Why?”

“What did I tell you when we first met, my mate?” Aiden demanded in a gravely voice.