Page 98 of My Salvation

“I want you in the room with Keelan. We’ve seen dark portal fuckery here. I don’t trust them not to portal right into his room.”

Only silence answered.

“He fucking disappeared. How fast is he?”

“No idea, Jaxon, but it’s badass.”

“Bad ass,” Penny repeated.

“Honey, it’s badass, one word,” Rheia corrected absently.

Meryn nodded as she typed. “Yeah, unless you want to emphasize how cool something was, then you can say bad… ass.”

“Badass!” Ame said from Meryn’s left. Standing, he was at eye level with the laptop.

Penny’s eyes widened. “They’re my age! Can they come play?”

Yuki looked up at Zoe from Meryn’s other side. “Can we go play?”

Zoe nodded. “Maybe after this mess with the Committee is done.”

Penny looked straight at the camera. “Hurry an fix it, Auntie.”

“I’m working on it, EGIT.” She picked up her phone and dialed once more. “The path to hell is open,” she said ominously.

“Noah, we’re witnessing some next-level shit,” Jaxon said, looking excited.

Meryn smiled. “I just like doing nice things for the ones I care about.”

“Like Uncle Aiden?”

Meryn shook her head. “I like doing nice things for him because he has a prehensile tongue.”

Across the bar, more than one man spat out their beer.

“What’s prehensile?” Penny asked, sounding out the word.

Meryn blinked and realized what she said. “Um, you know how when you stick your tongue out at Uncle Aiden, he always wins because when he sticks his tongue out, it’s all twisted?”


“Like that.”

“Oh. Cool.”

“Meryn McKenzie! How have you crammed months worth of corruption into a five-minute zoom meeting?” Rheia exclaimed.

Meryn shrugged. “Talented, I guess.” She held up her finger. “Listen.”

“Who unlocked the door?” A male voice demanded from the car’s video screen.

“Who are you?”

“You are not permitted in here!”

“Now, now, don’t get ya panties in a twist. We have a special invite from our cher.”

“Why are you shutting the door?”