Page 101 of My Salvation

“Enough to make all the sprites lil body warmers so they don’t get sick.”

“Sebastian, send a runner up to Level Five and see what we have in our stores,” Magnus said, then returned to the phone. “I will gift that to Aleksandra as a present between nations. Now, what can I do for you, personally?”

“How do you know I am deserving of a present?” she asked.

There was silence.

“Right, super prince powers and whatnot.” She hesitated. “Can you come visit when I get my family time stuff?” she asked quietly.

Magnus clucked his tongue. “I would do that anyway.” There was a bit of silence before Magnus spoke again. “I will be sending you some jewelry. I noticed whilst you were here, you only wore what the gown provided. At the very least, as a princess, you need a tiara.”

“You’re awesome!”

“And you, my dear, have saved me weeks of headaches.”

“Even if you have to replace the Founding Family head for Regis again?”

Magnus chuckled darkly. “I completely forgot that Jourdain was on the Committee!” The deep laughter heard from the phone was so contagious that Meryn began chuckling. “I will also be sending you some imported chocolates. What a delightful child! Goodbye, dear.”

“Bye Bye.” She tapped on her phone, then picked up another chicken tender.

Ari looked down at her. “You really do have his Regalis card, don’t you?”

“Shiny gold business card with squiggles? Yeah. I wanted to trade it in for unlimited meat kebobs, but he told me to save it for something more important,” she explained.

Priest stared. To be the recipient of a Regalis card meant the entire vampire race owed her a debt.

Ame tugged on Zoe’s hand. “Time for volunteers.”

“Crap! Gage, hurry up. I wanted to see who turned out for the queen’s request,” Zoe said, taking each of the boys' hands.

Gage stood and placed a hand on her lower back. “I’m assuming we’re good?” he asked, looking around.

Meryn nodded, then crammed an entire tender in her mouth before pointing to the door, indicating to Aiden that she wanted to leave as well.

Gage chuckled and led his mate toward the exit.

Aiden shook his head at her antics and kissed her brown, spiky curls before standing, picking Meryn up as he straightened. “Darian?”

“I’ll be heading back to the palace to update Mother, then I’ll be in the city center organizing volunteers.”

Aiden, holding Meryn close, looked to Nigel, Neil, and Pip. “Come on, boys.”

Ari looked at Aiden. “Um sir…”

Aiden smiled. “You’re still in charge for the day. Tell the men to stand down from emergency protocol and return to normal patrols.”

“Yes, sir,” Ari said, then winked at Meryn.

Meryn rubbed her hands together. “Finally! Super fae weapons.”

Aiden shook his head, smiling. “Whatever you want, my love.”

Priest looked at Cas. “So, our plans are a little out of order, but how about we get chicken to-go and head to the city center to help where we can?”

“Sounds perfect to me.”

Chapter Fifteen