“Doesn’t seem like you do,” he says, breathing heavier as he continues to get aggressive with his cock.
I dig out my half-empty nutsack and gather it up to my base, massaging some lube onto it.
“Doesn’t that feel better?” he asks, maintaining eye contact with me.
I find myself having to work to swallow. His eyes are dark and glazed. Sexy. It occurs to me that we probably shouldn’t be doing this, but it’s too late now. I’m too into it to care if it’s crossing a line. Since this place doesn’t exist as far as ninety-nine percent of people are concerned, it makes it easier to pretend our pre-existing relationship doesn’t exist either. “Yeah. It’s good.”
He licks his lips and bites down on his lower one. “Get going, Fischer,” he tells me.
“Seriously. What’s the rush?”
His handsome face collapses with what I’m guessing is a wave of pleasure. “Need to get off…need to come…”
“Looks like you’re gonna…” I say, far more turned on by that look on his face than I should be.
He blinks rapidly, like he’s trying to get a mental grip and struggling. “Focus on yourself. Jerk that dick.”
Admittedly, it was never like this when Gibson and I used to jerk off on opposite sides of our dorm room on separate beds. This is more…a lot more. I feel our connection in my chest, and it’s something I didn’t know I needed. I’ve never seen Matty like this, and it’s making me wonder if I’ve dreamed about it, because it feels familiar.
I pick up the pace until I’m matching his.
“Yeah?” he pants.
“Yeah,” I breathe, staring right back at him.
His brow draws, and my thighs drop open wider, my knee pressing hard against his. The woman on his other side comes with a high-pitched cry, and I’m unsuccessful stifling my groan as I grope myself shamelessly in front of him—in front of everyone.
“People are watching us,” he whispers. “This is so fucking hot.”
No shit. I’m burning up in this goddamn suit. There’s a fevered brightness in his cheeks, a glisten of sweat. Wet, bitten lips that make me think of sucking. Shit, he’s beautiful. I find this acutely noticeable now in a way I’d only appreciated in passing before. The way his gaze drops to my mouth sends a surge through my groin, and I hear a sound of surprise coming from me.
“Fuck,” he groans, his head dropping back, and his jaw clenching. I glance down to watch cum fly from his cock, shooting a foot into the air before another thick, sticky spurt drips from his tip, hanging on as he rubs his thumb firmly toward his cockhead.
My body reacts like it’s wired into his. A deeply pleasurable warmth spills through my core, and the sudden ripple of contractions that shouldn’t feel good, but are what I too often find myself chasing, force an eruption of my own that doesn’t fly as far but makes up for its lack of distance in sheer volume. I make a huge mess on my pants.
He laughs, head digging into my arm as he falls into me while I’m still trying to catch my breath. “What?” I ask, wrapping my arm around his head and locking it against my shoulder.
“You sure know how to show your brother a good time,” he says.
“You’re definitely judging me now. This was your idea.”
“I feel a lot better. That was awesome.”
“Little shit,” I say, mind and body buzzing. I shove him away so I can figure out how to deal with all the jizz on my black slacks, but my thoughts aren’t exactly in working order.
The weirdest thing about what just happened is it doesn’t feel weird. It feels okay to laugh about it, and the affection filling up my chest feels good, too.
Matthew takes off his jacket, then unbuttons his shirt. As he peels it off his body, I watch in confusion. “What are you doing?”
“Helping you.”
He’s wearing a t-shirt under his dress shirt until he takes that off, too. He uses it to clean me up before I realize I could have done that myself. The only thing I manage to do on my own is get my dick back into my boxer briefs. “I can do it,” I half-ass offer without making a move.
“All right, well, I’m not sure if I helped, but at least it’s less obvious what happened.”
“I need another drink.”
“Okay, princess. But can we have one someplace normal?”