Page 173 of The Muse’s Undoing

Fischer—what the fuck? Call me.

Dawn rises with no word. I’m so agitated when I call my parents’ house, I have to grip the kitchen counter so I don’t start yelling the second they pick up.

My mother answers. “Good morning,” she says, her voice cool and measured.

I frown. “Good morning?”

“What can I do for you so early?”

What kind of question is that? “Have you talked to Fischer?”

“No. And I’d prefer to keep it that way.”


Something is definitely wrong.

“Why’s that?” I ask cautiously.

“Oh, Matthew.” Her disappointed tone is beyond familiar. “You know precisely why.” And she hangs up.

I stare at the phone in disbelief.

Immediately I’m dialing Maggie’s number. “Matty,” she says, sounding out of breath. “Are you okay?”

“What the fuck is going on? Mom just hung up on me.”

“Have you talked to Fischer?”

“No.” I want to scream.

“Maybe I should come over.”

“Tell me what the fuck is happening right now, Maggie, or I swear to God?—”

“Nicole is suing Fischer for full custody of Vaughn.”

I stand up straight, letting go of the counter. “Since when?”

“Yesterday, I think.”

I reach up and finger one of the etched glass leaves on the tree, trying to make sense of this. “Do you know why?”

“I think I should come over. We can talk.”

I shake my head vehemently. “I don’t want you here. Anything you have to say, you can say on the phone. Maybe start with why Fischer isn’t returning my calls or texts.”

She sighs heavily putting loud static in my ear. “I can only tell you what I think is happening because I’m not totally in the loop. And it’s gonna upset you.”

My stomach does a violent roll. “I’m already upset, so maybe just spit it out.”

“I think Nicole is nervous about your relationship with Fischer.”

“Nervous? How does she even know about it?”

“You know Ravenna Gallo right?”

My jaw tightens. “Yes.”