“Promise you’ll make sure I finish it,” he says.
I grin. “Okay.”
“Seriously, if you don’t keep me on task, I’ll be wearing dirty underwear for a week.”
“I’ll make sure it gets done.”
He kisses my forehead once and heads for his bed where he proceeds to strip the sheets. I put my pants back together and grab my bag which slipped off my shoulder during all that business at the door before grabbing my cane and making my way over to the pink couch. My hands shake as I pull my laptop out. I highly doubt I’ll be able to be productive here, but I can pretend.
“Where’s the washer and dryer?” I ask, curious.
“Kitchen.” He’s still breathing heavy.
“That’s convenient.”
“Maggie had it installed. I’d legit never do laundry otherwise.”
“But blackout shades are where you draw the line?”
“I’d hate to lose any of the light in here,” he says.
He has a point. The light is half the magic. The other half, of course, is him, and all the traces of him scattered around.
After putting the sheets and pillowcases in the washer, he starts making a rare pot of coffee. “What are you doing?” I ask.
I frown in disapproval. “You worked all night.”
“I’m gonna stay up today. Sleep with you tonight like a normal person.”
“You’ll wear yourself out,” I say.
He gives me a wink. “That’s the plan.”
I shake my head and try to focus on my screen.
I can’t, though. I have a thought that won’t quiet down. “Have you reached out to anyone about the tree yet?”
He glances over at it like he forgot it was there. “I don’t know. I’m kind of getting used to it.”
“So, that’s a no.”
“You’ve been keeping me kind of busy. I don’t know if you’ve noticed.”
“Did you at least talk to Gavin?” I ask.
“Not yet.”
I sigh. “Do you want me to talk to him?”
“No, I will.”
“I don’t mind,” I tell him.
“I’m not sure it’s good enough,” he says. A familiar refrain.
“Someone will think it is.”