Page 55 of Fire for Effect

I gave it my best shot.

“Anyway,” Norkus said when the snickering died down. “We have ascertained that the leak was not from a Cerberus agent, but from someone else. We have already ruled out anyone from the Company…”

“Sure,” I said, with a roll of my eyes. “I wonder what CIA desk jockey headed up that investigation.”

“That would be me, Agent Kilo. I am the CIA Desk Jockey that headed up the investigation,” Norkus said, without a hint of sarcasm or shame. “It was rigorous, and thorough, I assure you.”

I snorted, but she continued. The woman had thick skin, I had to give her that.

“The issue is not that some of the identities of Cerberus agents was leaked, but that there is an imminent terrorist attack on US soil. Their intent is to sow doubt into the American system, and we’ve narrowed down to several events within the time frame…”

“You’re saying us agents are in trouble, but you don’t care?” Bravo said.

“I’m pretty sure that leaking us to these guys is a pretty big issue, don’t you think?” That was Agent Hotel.

“How did you even figure out a timeframe for the so-called imminent attack?” That was Agent Juliet. Despite the name, he was a man. The one he replaced after her untimely demise was a woman. We didn’t get to pick our letters, but instead moved into the death-created vacancies.

“You don’t need to know.” Norkus shot him down, and my skepticism grew.

“Wow, the CIA being selfish dicks again, guys. Anyone surprised?” Oh, Sierra. God love her because no one else would.

“I would also like to voice my opinion that the leaking of our identities is kind of a big deal,” Oscar chirped up.

“For god’s sake! I’m muting you all!” Sonia said.

A click and the sudden quieting of the line let us know she had done just that.

“For fuck’s sake, if you just lay low and keep your wits about you, then you’ll be fine. Don’t let anyone sneak up on you, and don’t get shit faced and make yourself an easy target. Basic tradecraft. Can you manage that?”

I started to voice my protest, and I’m sure my colleagues did as well, but her steady lack of reaction let me know we were all still silenced. There was no way none of us had anything to add to that.

“I hear no protests, so I’ll take your silence as consent.”

Was she making a joke? I couldn’t fucking tell. Either way, I was halfway to wanting to kill her with my bare hands. The Company made insufferable spies.

I didn’t like the CIA, they were too murky at the best of times. They took the term “morally gray” and turned it black. Worse yet, they had an ego that made my monstrous cock look miniscule, and that was saying something.

“Don’t get arrested, don’t talk to anyone, and don’t get yourself killed. Those are three very simple tasks. I’m sure you can manage that.” She let out a loud, aggrieved sigh. “Like fucking children, the lot of you.”

She was kinda funny.

I didn’t know if I should be fond of her, or if I should add her to my hit list… I’d figure that out later.

“I’m going to unmute you now, and I’ll need you all to speak one at a time, in a nice, professional and orderly manner.”

There was a beat of silence. I assumed that she had unmuted us, and we all stayed quiet.

“Where’s Director Griffith?” Oscar finally said.

“He’s otherwise engaged.” There was something odd in Sonia’s tone. Something… different.

I couldn’t get a read on it without seeing her.

“I will now drop off the line and leave you all to discuss your marching orders. Have a good RnR, ladies and gentlemen.”

She was drier than the Sahara with that humor of hers.

“Alright, everyone,” Oscar took over, being the most senior of all the pod commanders. “We have our orders. Any alibis?”