Page 114 of Fire for Effect

“That’s a longer story, sweetheart.” We exited that room, down the hall, to the last door and into a stairwell. “I left your Mom with a credit card, and a bank account. You told me you never got it, right?”

I bristled, remembering what I had told him about my father back at the Bar.

“I’m going to have words with your Ma about that later,” he said, disgruntled, as he placed his foot on the bottom step. He paused, when the sound of gunfire slammed through the door, rocking it on the hinges. There was a firefight on the other side.

“Shit,” I remarked. “Bold of you to assume we’ll live long enough to do that.”

Chapter 33

Challenge and Password


“Clear!” I said, as I swept another room, shooting anyone inside wearing a cut. Double tap. Heart, and head. I did not give a fuck about leaving anyone alive. “Where the fuck is she?”

The gunshot in my side throbbed, as the body armor rubbed and opened the stapled flesh. I could feel the moisture of blood dripping down my side, and pooling around my belt. Thank God our outfits were black, and no one noticed. Otherwise, they would have sent me to the back with the QRF.

“Clear!” Sierra said back, Veder right on her heels as they swept another room.

Top was right down the middle, handling everything as he slowly moved forward, his weapon at the high ready, pointed at the door to the staircase at the end of the hall.

He was directing us. We didn’t clear ahead of him, and kept in a single unified front, ready to attack anyone and anything.

Goose went into the next room first, with me right behind, and he shot at a guy hiding behind a TV screen, gun in hand. He might have had his palms out, trying to surrender, but I didn’t give a fuck. I shot him once as well, just to make sure he was truly dead.

“You, sir, have some rage you gotta figure out,” Goose said, as we exited the room, re-assuming our line in the strong front of the hall.

“Can it, Goose.” I loved the guys of Lucky 13. I really did. But I was not in the mood for their constant fucking jokes. I had forgotten their smart-assery on missions, and how I always had to wrestle them to take shit seriously.

Then again, I was uniquely qualified to deal with Sierra as a partner because of those guys.

A pounding happened on the door to the stairwell. Three hard knocks.

“Fuckers, it’s me!” The female voice on the other end said. “I’m coming out!”

Taz. It was Taz. I could have fallen on my knees at that moment, but it was too early for a victory lap.

“Come on through,” I said, my gun still at the high ready… because that’s what we did. We had to make sure she was alone, not under duress and… “Watch out!”

The door slowly pushed open, but she was definitely not alone.

Behind her was that piece of shit Cobra, his weapon raised. His black cut sentencing him to death by my fucking bullet.

“Don’t shoot!” Taz screamed, her hand up, trying to block the taller man from my gun fire.

“I come in peace!” Cobra’s hands were up and empty.

I looked down the barrel of the M4, ready to put one in his chest.

“Woah, woah, I'm one of you guys, okay? I’m undercover,” he said, his lifting up just an inch. “Paradigm.”

“Fat fucking chance,” I said, my finger itching to just brush the trigger and send it.

“I’m not what you think!” The hint of desperation in Cobra’s voice gave me pause, but not enough. These fuckers had Taz, and I was ready to scorch the earth. “Where the fuck is Charlotte?”

“The hell did you just say?” Top stepped forward.

“Charlotte knows me.” Cobra said again, “I’m with Paradigm!”