Page 103 of Fire for Effect


Shit on a stick and poke me in the eye with it. This was going south fast.

The vehicle flipped, and we found ourselves ass overhead. Then the gunfire started.

“Shots fired, one o’clock!” I bellowed, as we scrambled in the opposite direction to get some cover between us.

A fucking ambush. That’s just fucking great. But also fitting, since the first time I met Taz, we took her on a patrol and were ambushed as well. But I didn’t love her back then.

My skin burned, as the bullet wound in my thigh and chest ached, as if it was calling to add to their little roster of pals.

“Baby, you okay?” I reached to my woman.

She pulled a battered, and unconscious Noam out of the front driver seat.

The man was breathing, and sporting a big knot on his head, as she tried to slap him awake.

“I’m fine,” she said, as she roused Noam from dreamland. “Wake up, wake up, wake up!”

“Unh,” Noam groaned, his hand coming to his head. He inspected his blood-soaked fingers as his dazed eyes cleared.

“Can you sit up?” Taz asked him.

“I see 4 on the ridge, 300 meters!” Sierra called, as she pulled out a pistol and fired 3 shots. “Fuck!”

Each one was wide. They weren’t exactly in pistol range.

But even from this distance, we could tell they wore the cuts of the Prodigal Sons.

“Kurva!” she yelled the Ukrainian obscenity.

Noam sat up and pulled a pistol out from his ankle holster. He took a shot, and it hit a target in the distance.


Everything happened fast.

We had to duck down, as they unleashed a fucking blast of suppressive fire that pinged around us.

Noam let out a bellow of pain, as his thigh opened up red blood as a bullet went through his jeans.

A bullet pinged over Sierra’s head, and she ducked down, screaming more obscenities, as she took off her other heel, and was ready to make a break for it on foot.

A shot landed close to my toe, breaking the asphalt beneath my feet, and I flinched away.

Taz screamed.

I swear, I had only looked away from her for one fucking second. But that was long enough for two of those bastards to come out of the woods and grab her by each arm.

She dug her heels into the ground going limp in their hands as they pulled her away from the rest of us.

“Taz!” I cried out as I lunged towards her, only to recoil when a bullet whizzed in front of my nose.

I fell to the ground, ready to crawl to her if I had to, but two masked men were pulling her away, into a vehicle stashed in the ditch.

Fuck it! I ran forward to get her before they could spirit her away into their car. If they got her in their vehicle, there’d be no getting her back.

“Griff!” She yelled, as she fought them tooth and nail.