Page 88 of Fire for Effect

“It’s too much,” I admitted. “It’s all too much.”

“It’s not enough,” he countered. “But I’ll take what you’re willing to give. Bit by bit. Until you’ll meet me where I am.”

“And where are you?” I asked, curious at what his desires were.

“At the end of the aisle, with a priest, standing with a ring in my hand.”

I froze.

I would never, ever get married again. Never.


… Never.

I moaned, as my stillness made him increase his pace. His hands went around my back pulling me into his chest, as his hips bucked and moved, the feel of him inside me bringing me back to that happy fog of thoughtlessness. There was no future. There was no past. There was only our connection, here, in the forest. And all I had to do was hang on.

“Come for me, sweet Firefly,” he said gruffly in my ear, and for the first time in my life… I obeyed.

I obeyed him unreservedly, my eyes never leaving his as I came apart, cresting the wave of my climax, screaming so loud that the birds flew from the nearby trees, squawking into the air. I screamed my pleasure, and collapsed in his arms, as he groaned, and caught me, even as I felt the moisture of his release deep, deep inside me.

He held me close, his arms tight around my body. I let my head fall onto his shoulder, my body weak, and sated.

I was there for maybe four whole blissful seconds, before the darkness crept in.

You can’t believe what a man says when he’s inside you. A man will never love you as clearly and as purely as when they're in the throes of sex.

Everything is meaningless.

“I can feel you pulling away,” his voice was full of the heavy sorrow that matched my own. “You’re ready to bolt.”

I shook my head. “Everything is fine.”

Of all the lies I had said in my life, I think that might be the biggest.

Then, he started laughing.

Chapter 23

Just Because I’m Laughing Doesn’t Mean I’m Joking


I chuckled as I fell back onto the earth. Twigs and dead leaves crumbled beneath my weight.

“Didn’t even get to the cigarette, and you’re already scheming to kick me to the curb.” I reached my arm out to the side to find her jacket.

I felt around until the soft leather was in my hand, then found the inner pocket of the pack of Marlboros. I pulled out a cigarette and then found the lighter. I lit it, and took a pull, before offering it to her.

It was a damn game we had played for years.

I had quit smoking - Kristin made me - but I had never truly quit. I bummed cigarettes from Taz. She went on a smoke break, and I followed, just to keep her company… though I took the cigarette from her fingers and chipped at it. I like to think that stealing her breath made her reduce her otherwise staggering nicotine intake.

It was practically a community service.

“That’s not… what I’m doing,” she said, quietly, but we both knew it was a lie.

“I’m still inside you, baby, and you’re already looking for your exit.”