Page 2 of Fire for Effect

I excitedly swiped at the Edelweiss beer, but she was faster. She was sober, so she had the advantage.

I tried to pull it out of her hand, but she tugged it away, giving me a dirty glare, holding it away from me. I reached over and easily got my hand on it – the advantage of greater height.

We were gonna fight about this – I earned that beer.

“What the…? Hey, I got it first,” she said, pulling at the brown bottle between us as we wrestled for dominance, pulling it back and forth like a really annoying game of tug of war.

“I’m the one going through an emotionally traumatic event. I should get the good beer!”

She scrunched her face. “Yeah? How long you gonna ride that gravy train?”

“I just signed the separation papers today!” I blurted.

“So you should be over it tonight!” She countered.

“Has anyone ever told you that you have the sensitivity of a charging bull elephant?”

“Several times, actually,” she deadpanned.

Without warning she leaned down and in one, long motion, licked from the bottom of the neck all the way to the top. She smiled triumphantly, completely oblivious to the sudden steel-hard erection threatening to bust out of my jeans. If she had wrapped her lips on the tip, I would have come right there like a pubescent.

“I licked it, now it’s mine.” She proudly declared.

Oh, you sweet, little Psycho…

“Is that so?” I challenged, stepping in closer, staring into her dark eyes. They were green near the pupil. But not a leaf green… more like a deep teal, slowly fading into a dark coffee brown. It was an unusual color. A gorgeous color.

I darted out my tongue, licking from her throat, up her jaw, all the way to her earlobe. “I licked you. Now you’re mine.”

The salty taste of her skin broke the dam, releasing years of repressed, ignored desire.

Her eyes widened with a gasp, before I plunged in to kiss her, our teeth clashing as she whimpered against my mouth. Our tongues tangled, and her soft lips molded to mine. She tried to pull her head away, but I wouldn’t let her. She turned her head, and I countered. She pulled away, and I pushed closer.

“Mine.” I cupped her jaw in my hand. “You made the rule. You can’t back out now.”

“That wasn’t what I meant… umph!” I silenced her with another kiss.

I had never been one for French kissing or necking. It all seemed sloppy and wet… but there was something about her. The way she tasted, the way she breathed, the way I wanted to own it all.

When I released her, she looked at me with dazed eyes.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she whispered against my lips.

“You’re wrong,” I told her. “You have no idea how badly I needed to do that.”

I had never felt a need like this. I had never felt a soul-deep desire that threatened to burn me in her fiery gaze. I needed more. I needed everything.

She tried to pull her head away, either to breathe or to protest but I didn’t let her. I captured her mouth again. I had licked it. And now, her tongue, her mouth, her nose, her breaths… they were all mine.


For four blissful hours, we made out, fucked, and made out again in every room of her townhouse. Every fantasy I had denied, every feeling I had repressed, and every lingering desire I had pushed out of my head for the sake of our friendship was gone, and the reality of her was better than I could have dreamed.

“Is it dumb that I can’t wait to tell everyone that you’re mine?” I whispered into her hair, as she fell asleep on her side, snuggled against me. I intertwined our fingers and held her and watched as she fell into a deep sleep.

I was in complete fucking bliss, after years of marital misery.

Then, I woke up alone, and the Psycho didn’t even have the decency to leave a note.