“Ah, Susserayn Myccael, here is the human we need to thank most for our victory today,” I pulled Nathan from behind Niara and forced him to meet Myccael. “Baron Nathan.”

“He is the one who traded with the Chrymphten?” Myccael checked.

“Zyn, Susserayn. In his defense, they didn’t give him much of a choice in the matter. And he was about to give himself up when I arrived.”

I stretched the truth slightly, remembering overhearing parts of Nathan’s and Niara’s discussion before I entered.

“You committed treason and did us a service,” Myccael assessed Nathan.

“I’m at your mercy, Susserayn,” Nathan squared his shoulders, growing into a male in front of our eyes. “Please know though, how deeply sorry I am for my previous actions and I’ll do anything to prove my loyalty to you.”

Myccael rubbed his chin, regarded Nathan thoughtfully while I held Niara back, who was about to open her mouth in a heartfelt plea for her brother. I didn’t think she needed it, Myccael was no stranger to redemption.

“As a male who committed errors in his past and is now setting them right, I understand and sympathize with your predicament, Baron Nathan. I’m not going to be a hypocrite and deny a male a second chance, but be warned, one more overstep will forfeit your life.”

Niara’s tension fled her body as it relaxed in my arm.

“Thank you Susserayn, I won’t disappoint you.” Nathan promised.

“And to make your city prosperous again, we will order diving gear from you,” I assured him. “There are certain parts my males have not been able to duplicate.”

“It will be our pleasure, Vissigroth Myles.” Nathan agreed.

“Alright, since that is settled, I heard I have a new niece,” Myccael’s voice boomed.

As if he had been waiting for it, Mallack stepped into the large main chamber, holding Daphne in his arms.

“My granddaughter, Vissy Zara.”

“A vissy?” Myccael stepped curiously forward to take his niece from Mallack, who moved the swaddling cloth enough for Myccael to see the kiss of the dragon.

Myccael laughed loudly, “Well, I’ll be damned. Hello Vissy Zara, you’re going to be a handful, aren’t you?”

In response Zara let out a loud wail, her little face scrunched as she took her uncle in with a frown.

“Zara?” I mouthed at Mallack.

He shrugged, “I didn’t think Daphne suited her. She’s going to be a warrior.”

I was sure Mallack had been touched to have his granddaughter named after his dead vissy, leaving me to guess as to why he hadn’t liked the idea. But I figured it was a private matter between him, Darryck and Thalia and didn’t press.

He was right, Zara was a great name for a warrior vissy.

Next to me, Nathan and Niara hugged, relieved that he had been redeemed. The entire room was filled with happiness, the only ones missing were Darryck and Thalia. I doubted Darryck would leave her side any time soon and Thalia would not be up to attend the victory feast.

I would have postponed it, but Myccael needed to return to Leandar. He had been away from it for weeks, scouting with Mallack and Duncayn to ensure no surprise attack would come while the main fleets were at Oceanus.

I was sure though that Darryck and Thalia would celebrate their new daughter in their own way, just as happy, if not happier, in their chamber. The gods were my witnesses that I would have preferred to hold my victory feast in private with my vissy.


During the next two days our guests began to leave. Thalia and Darryck stayed a little while longer, until she and the baby were strong enough to return to the Icelands.

Nathan also stayed behind. The workers in Horn were busy producing the diving equipment Myles had ordered and would be for several more weeks.

With the Chrymphten threat eliminated for now and the near future, the vissigroths would hold a council meeting soon to decide on the fate of our enemies. If we would give them time to lick their wounds and regroup or attack a defenseless planet. I didn’t envy the vissigroths for the decision they would have to make.

In the meantime, we were sitting at the dinner table in Darryck’s and Thalia’s guest suite, to be able to include her, when our discussion returned to the Myles’ next problem.