“Fraysa has led me to you,” I began my vow, “I swear on my life that I will forever be bound to you. I will protect you with my life, honor you with every breath I take and love you with every beat of my heart. You are mine and I am yours.”

Her lips opened and the words she couldn’t have possibly known spilled out of her, “Forever, Myles.”

Her voice turned more confident as the words poured from her lips and the ethereal light around her glowed. “I am yours, as you are mine. This I swear from now until forever.”

I rose and pulled her against me. Slowly I descended on her sweet lips. Her arms crossed around my neck as our kiss sealed our fate.

The light that had encompassed her, grew and embraced me as well, before it exploded into a million golden sparks.

Niara stared just as enraptured by the spectacle as I, “What is happening?”

“Fraysa is welcoming us into her arms.” I explained, as the lights, enfolded us like a veil, Fraysa’s veil.

Particles shining like diamonds, landed on our exposed skin, kissed and blessed us, before the veil lifted and took off into the air as if it had never been there in the first place.


“Niara,” I rasped, filled with a hunger for her I had never experienced before.

“You are mine,” I told her, moving my hand to the back of her neck, capturing the fragile bones and flesh under my fingers.

“Oh,” her eyes lit up. She freed her body of the sheet covering her, and turned under my grip.

“Take me,” she whispered and allowed herself to be led, naked, to the table, where she placed herself belly down. “I am yours.”

She couldn’t have known this. But she did. Her legs spread in invitation, tearing the last of my willpower from me.

With a growl I first caressed her rounded butt cheeks, offered so freely to me, then my fingers caressed the tender flesh between her labia and found her slick and ready for me.

I freed my cock and she arched under me as I entered her with a roar.

She brushed her long, blonde hair to the side, offering her neck and my right hand found its way back around it, dominating her in her submission just as she had dominated me earlier in hers.

The desire to be fully united with her grew with every thrust.

I had never experienced anything like this before. An out of body experience might be the closest words to explain what happened, but I never actually left my body. For a moment it felt as if I was sharing it with someone. A presence, an entity, welcoming, loving and warm.

A name whispered in my mind, Fraysa, the ancient goddess of Leandar.

A goddess we humans had heard of certainly, some had even taking to praying to her and the other main god, Grandyr, her husband. Other than adapting to sayings like by the gods, or the gods forbid, not many people, on Horn were very religious. With uncanny clarity though I knew in that moment that it was Fraysa shining her light on me, embracing me.

With her came memories, memories like webs, that disintegrated the moment I tried to hold on to them. None of them were clear, but an emotion of utter love grew inside me, directed toward Myles. My Myles.

And I knew that we had been together since the dawn of time. In many, many reincarnations, always searching for one another in the next life until the gods deemed the timing right.

I was still me, and yet I wasn’t.

Any of Niara’s attachments to other people, like Nathan, paled, I still loved my brother, just not with the same fierceness as I loved Myles, had loved him for hundreds of rotations.

He kneeled in front of me, took my hands, and it felt like touching someone you had believed dead.

With my next inhale my heart and breath stuttered, like it does when you have been crying hard and I realized that my soul had. Unbeknownst to me, it had been in mourning, waiting, lying dormant, until the veil over my eyes lifted and I recognized Myles for who he was.

My soulmate, my other half.

Instinctively I knew what I needed to do, say, recognized him submitting to me like he had done so many times before and would again in the future. Fraysa’s veil welcomed and enveloped us with all her love, her energy showered us with rain of diamond like stars that disintegrated on our skin, but yet remained. Ancient words came to me and I repeated them like I had done hundreds of times before. Feeling finally whole.

Then it was my turn.