I was so in awe of her and Vissigroth Darryck and their obvious love for one another that I didn't take in Myles's luxurious audience chamber at first. When the servants entered however, I took a moment to admire it. The audience chamber alone was the size of the entire dome below. A large, formal dining table that would easily seat forty people, stood in the center, surrounded by several seating arrangements ranging from sets of couches to chairs around smaller tables.
The view ahead of us was made from the same glass like substance as the domes and so was the ceiling, through which I could make out a transporter rising up into space, clouds and the sun.
Plants stood arranged throughout the area, adding color to the mostly white furnishings.
I felt tongue tied when Thalia linked our elbows and led me to the wide open terrace ahead of us. The transparent balustrade didn't do much for my comfort level when I stared hundreds of feet down to the ocean below us, at least not until I placed my free hand on it, to reassure myself of its presence.
"Has Myles treated you right?" Thalia asked as soon as we were out of earshot. "If not, I can take you away from here."
I stared at her dumbfounded. "You would do that?"
"Of course, we are sisters of sorts." She shrugged as if this was the most natural thing in the universe.
"I'm fine," I assured her. "He is treating me good. But thank you." I wanted to hug her, because her offer had completely taken me off guard.
"He can be a bit of a brute," Thalia added, "I suppose they all can. Just let me know if you need anything, alright?"
"Thank you Vissy Thalia," I said, truly touched.
"Just Thalia, please." She smiled and turned to look out at the ocean, "What a view, right?"
"It's stunning," I agreed. I had never been this high up before, and it truly was stunning. There was water as far as the eye could reach. Normally heights scared me, but for some reason, aside from a small nervous flutter in my stomach, I felt fine. Probably as long as I don’t look down, I wagered, deciding to keep my eyes trained on the horizon.
"You should see the underwater domes, they're even more amazing," I heard myself say.
"Underwater domes?" Thalia looked intrigued. "Zyn, you must show me. It sounds like we'll have some time."
Another space transporter emerged, this one coming in for a landing, and Thalia narrowed her eyes to make out its colors. "Oh, it's Duncayn," she clapped her hands. "Wait until you'll meet his wife, Kyra, believe it or not, she is actually from Earth!"
"From the real Earth?" I stared at her in disbelief.
"Zyn, she came as a sort of ambassador and ensnared Duncayn the first day she stepped foot on Leandar," Thalia grinned.
The woman who entered a little while later was also pregnant, but her eyes sparkled with an adventurous lust, that contrasted much with Vissigroth Duncayn's scowl.
"Thalia," Kyra moved forward and embraced her.
"I blame you," Duncayn snarled at Darryck who looked surprised at the sudden attack. Duncayn moved straight for the set tables and helped himself to some spirits.
"Don't mind him, he's grumpy because I insisted I come along," Kyra embraced Myles and Darryck as well.
"Pregnant seffies should not be gallivanting through the universe," Duncayn growled.
"I still don't understand how this is my fault if you can't control your vissy," Darryck said, earning him another box in the side from Thalia.
"If Thalia gets to go, so will I," Duncayn mimicked a female's high pitched voice and everybody, except me, laughed. I still felt too intimidated to join in.
"And who is this? Did you find yourself a human vissy finally?" Kyra asked Myles.
"She's my hostage." Myles answered dryly, staring at Kyra as if he wasn't sure how to handle her.
"Hostage, hmm?" Kyra held out her hand to me. "I'm Kyra."
"Niara," I replied, shaking it.
Everything after that became a blur, as more vissigroths arrived. Only one more stood out to me, Vissigroth Treyton and his also human vissy, Saskia, the fabled soap maker.
Interestingly it was only the vissigroths mated to humans who brought their vissies, leaving me to guessing if the others were mated or not.