"Why would you want to lock them?" He countered.
"For the same reason you just asked," I wasn't about to give him an inch and a lazy smile tilted the left side of his mouth up.
He didn't answer me, so with a sigh, I entered a spaciously decorated bedroom with a seating arrangement on one side and a small table on the other.
"Closet," he pointed as another door opening it for me, "bathroom," he opened a second and I curiously stepped inside.
Horn didn't have many amenities, most bathrooms were utilitarian, very different from this one which could have housed my entire suite. The bathtub was the size of my bed, and behind a wall made of coral hid a shower with several nuzzles ready to clean the occupant. My lips moved in a question, but I bit it down. I would find out soon enough if the water here came straight from the ocean like on Horn or not.
Filtered water was a valuable resource on Horn, too valuable to waste on washing.
On a shelf I noticed several bottles of different sizes and carved shapes, like illies flowers, sinninies and dragons. I had never seen an illis flower before, only in pictures and even though this one wasn't real either, I picked it up. To my surprise, I discovered that it was a soap, a very flowery, sweet smelling soap.
"You like it?" Myles asked from right behind me.
"It's beautiful. Is it supposed to be an illis flower?"
"Zyn, Saskia, Vissigroth Treyton's wife used to make them, now two of her sisters have taken over her business." Myles was so close, the soft breath escaping him as she spoke, tickled my neck, rising wicked sensation in my stomach.
He took my hand holding the soap and brought it to his nose. The touch of his flesh on mine intensified the strange sensations dancing inside me. I resisted the urge to clench my legs, as a pulsing sensation took root in my clit.
"It smells like an Illis flower too," Myles observed.
"I'll take your word for it, I've never smelled or seen one," I replied, noticing how my voice had lowered to barely a whisper.
"You've never seen an illis flower?" His black eyes probed me with an intensity that made a deep part inside me flutter.
Numbly I shook my head.
"We'll have to remedy that. For now, I’ll leave you to unpacking," as if they had been waiting for his words, two servants arrived carrying my meager belongings. "I would be honored if you would have dinner with me." Myles finished.
My first order being back home was not what I would have ever done before. I sent for my steward Haskor and sent him to find me illis flowers to surprise Niara.
Aware that illis flowers, despite their popularity, or because of it where very rare to find, I mentally settled myself for presenting them to Niara in the morning for breakfast or even at the following dinner.
Then I stared out the large viewing window at the fish as they swam by, trying in vain to channel some enthusiasm to bury myself in all the work that needed to be done. Most of all the overseeing of the diving equipment.
Then again, I considered that asking Niara for her help with it in the morning might be the better approach, since I didn't know enough about it yet.
I should have also called Susserayn Myccael and informed him that his suspicion of Nathan had been justified, but that too, seemed more of a chore than I was willing to tackle at the moment.
It needed to be done soon though, the Chrymphten were planning an attack and even if I supplied them with the wrong coordinates for my Atmospheric Defenders they would come in droves and I would need more ships to defend Oceanus than I owned.
Why they would attack Oceanus of all places was a puzzle I hadn't fully solved yet. The Chrymphten had been trying for hundreds of rotations to gain a foothold in the Leandar system, maybe they decided to go for the most unlikely target this time.
I concluded the reason why wasn't important at the moment, the chance of sending a damaging blow would make this endeavor worthwhile. It might even make up for the fact that we wouldn't be fighting the way Leandars fought—hand to hand combat—not with machines flying through the sky, but that too, couldn't be helped.
A noise from the other room brought my thoughts back to the seffy occupying it. Niara, I mused, full of surprises, alluring Niara, beautiful Niara. Soon I would make her mine. She would sink into my arms and sigh in pleasure. Her amazing legs would be wrapped around me.
My cock hardened at the images my mind spun. A human, I mused, who would have thought.
Leandar seffies had thrown themselves at me whenever I visited Leandar, but they had never made me as curious or hard as their human counterpart suddenly did. Back then, Sarissa and her kind had held most of my attention though.
My palmtop announced Myccael comming me and with a sigh, I refocused my mind to more pressing matters than my cock's likes and dislikes.
"You were right, Susserayn," I said at once, before he even had a chance.
"You dealt with him?" Myccael inquired just as directly.