I turned at the thought of her and watched her glide gracefully through the water. The fins elongated her already long legs, stirring my cock with desire for them to be wrapped around my hips. Or resting on either side of my shoulders.
Her golden hair appeared darker in the water and flowed behind her as she shot through the water like an arrow. When she was close enough, her light grey eyes were as startling behind her goggles as they were out in the sun, stirring all kinds of thoughts in me that had nothing to do with her being my hostage.
We stayed down for as long as the tanks held a trace of oxygen, I wanted to push the limits to see how my body would react at staying under water for hours.
When we finally emerged, I still felt exhilarated from the experience, but it was shier willpower that kept me on my feet when they touched the pier. They shook from using muscles I had never used before, surprising me, because I trained every single part of my body daily.
Niara too seemed to have a bit difficulty, but instead of downplaying it, she laughed at her waterlegs, as she called them and others laughed with her.
"Well, you seemed to have enjoyed this." She observed, walking on wobbly legs toward me.
"It was a most delightful experience," I admitted, taking the towel one of the humans handed to me.
Niara too, used one to cover herself. As much as I regretted being robbed the sight of her delicious body, I was relieved that nobody else could stare at her any longer.
"I would like to purchase whatever tanks you have," I told Nathan as the ruler of this city. "It will go a long way in me considering sparing your treasonous life."
He blanched, but was all too eager to accept.
"You will need some of the pumps too," Niara informed me. "While I'm your hostage, I can explain to your people how they work, how to repair them."
"That too, will be appreciated." I assured her.
"Are you the only one who knows how to manufacture the tanks, masks and other necessities?" I asked to get a complete picture, down to the last minute detail, on how these things worked and how they were fabricated.
"Mostly, but I've trained three apprentices. Between them they should be able to figure out how to make more," she held up a warning finger, "but I won't be responsible for the quality."
"Fair enough, as long as you test them." I agreed.
"While everything is being loaded, will you allow me to gather some of my things, since I suspect I will remain your hostage?" Niara requested.
"I will accompany you," I compromised, unwilling to let her out of my sight after her boastful remark that if she wanted to, she could hide from me indefinitely.
She rolled her eyes, but didn't respond, instead she implored Nathan, "You will use the credits for repairs?"
"I will follow your list," he obliged with a grin, that held a hint of ruefulness at being separated due to his incompetence.
"Good," Niara nodded at me and I followed her through a maze of gangways, connecting ships and free floating metal platforms.
Curiously I eyed the many different contraptions making up this human city. Not only allowing it to float above the water, but to move as well. There weren't only boats, there were platforms holding small houses and businesses of trade and manufacture, making me wonder how they stayed afloat.
With practiced moves, she climbed up a rusted steel ladder. Because my eyes stayed on her curved ass, moving enticingly underneath the towel, I wasn't prepared to step out onto a wide open platform, rivaling my courtyard in size. We were about four stories above the waterline now and the wind whipped harder up here, drying our hair on our way to her palace.
Earlier this day I reached her place through a different maze, now though, I realized, that even though palace was a far too generous description for her home, it definitely counted as a palace after seeing her subjects' other lodgings.
The walls, originally made from metal, were just as rusted as everything else, encrusted with salt in many places, astonishing me once again how this contraption managed to stay above the water. With that realization came a strange insight into Niara's and Nathan's minds. Their desperation to pay for overdue repairs to keep their people from drowning.
Dealing with Crympthen was still treason, but I also understood desperation and bad circumstances. Making me consider to put in a good word with our emperor on their behalf.
Niara and I didn't speak on our way and I watched her in silence when we reached what was obviously her chamber.
"Have a seat, I'll be quick," she offered, pointing at a questionably looking chair.
Not wanting to distract her, I sat down carefully, waiting for the fragile thing to break under my weight. Surprising me, it held up, while Niara put a large sheet out onto which she placed whatever she thought she would need while staying with me.
At one point she excused herself and moved into a smaller side room, which after a quick examination turned out to be a bathroom and I gave her the privacy she needed to dress.
Myles didn't stop the boat at Attourna, no matter how enticed he was by the prospect of diving through the ruins.