Bored, I watched Sarissa list all the grievances she had come up with this day. Long ago I had learned to tune her voice out and just stare at those luscious lips as they moved up and down, muted in my mind, I nodded here and there as expected.
"Vissssigroth, you're not even lisstening to me," she complained in her pouty way that was supposed to be sexy but had lost its allure on me. Her once enticing lisp grated on my nerves.
"I'm sorry, what?" I pretended having missed her last accusation as well as the rest even though her tone had ripped me from my silent contemplation.
"You," she slithered closer to me, "aren't lisstening to me," she repeated, moving her long tail up and around my bent legs.
I waited for my cock to respond as usual to her touch, but nothing happened.
"You have been melancholic ever ssince that human sseffy left," Sarissa's horizontal slanted pupils pulsed, in contrast to her serene features that were supposed to convey empathy. I knew her too well though, the pulsing pupils were an indication of her decreasing patience with me and my supposed heartbreak over having Anna return to her planet, Terra.
The truth was I let her go, I didn't ask her to stay, but Sarissa didn't need to know this. This was between Anna and me. I almost asked her to stay, to become my vissy. Much preferring laying between two legs now than to be artfully wrapped in hands and a tail, no matter how experienced the hands and mouth were. The siren had long ago lost her allure for me. Since several of my fellow vissigroths had mated human seffies, the idea had been tantalizing my mind.
The end of Sarissa's tail snuck higher, caressed the insides of my thigh. I felt a slight stirring of my cock, but any desire of fucking died in its beginning. I hadn't liked Anna much as a person, her body though… now my cock hardened.
"Ah, there he iss," Sarissa lisped.
I had decades of experience in allowing Sarissa to believe what she wanted to believe, and I wasn't about to correct her now. She had always been beautiful to me, still was, but now that there was a possibility of making a seffy with two legs mine, I didn't want her ministrations any longer. It didn't matter how luscious of a mouth she had, how talented she was with her tongue, from the waist down, she was a snork—snake like creature. Her tail was talented, there was no doubt about it, but warm, soft thighs surrounding mine, a warm, welcoming pussy were all I yearned for now.
Seffies were rare on Oceanus, something about living on a planet that was ninety seven percent of water didn't seem to sit right with them. Strangely, human seffies seemed to adapt better to it than Leandar seffies, of whom most only made it a few days before leaving.
Because of that Oceanus was filled with Leandar males and siren seffies. An arrangement that had served us well. It had never occurred to me to want anything different, until Anna came with her Terran Delegate Kyra. Kyra was now mated to Vissigroth Duncayn, not the first and not the last mating between Leandars and humans, making the prospect of it even more appealing now that the first human seffies had given birth to the next generation of vissigroths.
Having a son, my own son, sired by me. I mused while Sarissa's hand and tail slid up and down my body. Given live by my own body and that of a seffy, just as nature had intended. Now that was a legacy I would be proud of leaving.
"I beg your pardon, Vissigroth," Kyle, my second in command entered after a soft knock.
Relieved to have an excuse, I rose from my chair, pretending not to hear Sarissa's low hiss of displeasure. "Kyle?"
"You asked me to remind you of the meeting with our Susserayn," Kyle announced, contemplating the siren queen as she rose to meet us eyelevel, swaying slightly on her rolled up tail. If she wanted to, she would have measured nearly double our heights, balancing at the very tip of her tail.
"Thank you, Kyle," I moved to retrieve my palmtop from the desk and turned it on, immediately staring into our new susserayn, Myccael's, face.
"Vissigroth Myles," he greeted me formerly. In the background I made out the shadowy figures of other vissigroths, as well as smaller images from the ones who joined the meeting via the palmtop like me.
"Now that we are all here, let me get straight to the matter," Myccael announced. From the corner of my eyes I watched Kyle and Sarissa leave, not even giving it one thought he would most likely enjoy her pent up desires now.
My relieve of Sarissa leaving was short lived however, as utter boredom soon replaced it. Myccael was talking about new trade agreements with the humans, about building some kind of supersonic train, going from Bantahar, his main city, to Ackaron space harbor, to circumvent Eulach attacks and the planting of some new grain I couldn't give two snygs about.
Many of the other vissigroths ended up in a shouting match over the train, how it would make us lazy and if we feared Eulachs too much to travel, our race was truly cursed and we should all kill ourselves right now.
In the end, Myccael relented and put the train idea on hold to finish the meeting, which didn't feel like one at all. The meetings took place once or twice a rotation—year—at the susserayn's palace in the Vissigroth's Council Hall. We were used to settling disagreements with fists, not words.
I understood the convenience of the palmtops and of not having to travel all the way to Leandar for a meeting, but gods, it also introduced laziness and distance between us, something I didn't like at all. Even less than having to travel.
"Vissigroth Myles, please stay," Myccael requested when the other vissigroths left the meeting, virtual or in person.
"A word if you please, Myles," he said, less formal when it was just him and me.
"You have several human settlements on Oceanus, zyn?"
"Zyn," I nodded, hoping he wouldn't ask me to accommodate more of the increasing number of humans settling in the Leandar system, reminding me of the Eulachs. Not as unpleasant, but just as multitudinous.
"I have received reports that a certain Baron Nathan has been trading with Chrymphten." Myles informed me.
My brows drew together as irritation formed in my belly, Baron Nathan was indeed the leader of one of the floating human cities on Oceanus, Horn, if I wasn’t mistaken. The Chrymphten were our sworn enemies, our one adversary who posed a real threat to us. Their galaxy neighbored ours and they had been vying for our territory ever since the beginning of time, or ever since both our races had made it into space.
"If they were trading with the Chrymphten, my radar would have picked up on it," I objected. It was true too, any Chrymphten approaching Oceanus would have been detected.