Your lips, your eyes, and your warmth gave me the best.
It’s hard to put into words how my first kiss made me feel, but I’ll try because I told you I would.
I love to travel.
Discovering new places makes the world feel large and my issues feel small.
My favorite spot in the world was the Bunda Cliffs in Australia. It’s called the edge of the earth.
In one direction as far as you can see, there’s only desolate land. In the other is the vastness of the ocean.
Standing on the edge is a drop almost four hundred feet down. I slept there for a week in a tent.
At night you could see every star in our galaxy.
In the breadth of that place, my problems were tiny and I was a speck in the grand scheme of things.
My favorite spot in the world is now your lips.
There, my problems don’t exist and I am connected to the universe.
“Oh my God.” I lie flat on my sofa and read the texts again and again. I can picture him there, in the middle of nowhere, where no one can touch him, and he can touch no one.
It must be magical. But I don’t like him there. Untouchable.
I like him against my lips.
Where my problems don’t matter because I am not my mother, and Arlo is not her lover.
I read it several more times, and then my fingers fly on the tiny keys.
My chimera represents my three sides. My fear. My will to help. My determination.
Your eyes remind me of the ocean. Mysterious. Perilous. Gorgeous.
The bubbles surprise me. They shouldn’t.
I’ll never hurt you.
It’s not the first time he’s told me that. It’s the first time I want to believe it.
Good night, Arlo.
Good night, Hailey.
“You only have two appointments on the books Friday. Can you reschedule them?” Nat asks, poking her head into my office between appointments. “Or video call in the air?”
My stomach dips. “As in tomorrow, Friday?”
She nods.
Part of me was hoping she’d back out or find one of those handy excuses not to go, but little Miss Persistent is shining through. Like she did when she made me join a club in high school, so it would look good on my résumé.
Key Club. I still couldn't tell you what it was about, except not keys, musical or house wise.
“I only have one. Zahn is out until the new year. She was chosen to represent the US on the Olympic committee. They’re planning for the next winter games.”