Page 94 of Oathbreaker

“Things like what? And do they require me to wear anything in particular?”

I’m not feeling like dressing up. At all.

“Nah, be comfortable. But be downstairs in ten minutes.” And with that, he’s out the door. He didn’t even stop to cop a feel of my exposed breast.

I try to not be disappointed by that.

I clean up and dress in long black yoga pants with flared legs and an old off-the-shoulder shirt.

Kitty snorts from his dog bed, and I decide against bringing him with me for now. I leave the door open for him to wander around when he wakes.

Hunter installed a dog door in the exit closest to his room. It leads to the rose garden and the field beyond, and Kitty loves pouncing in and out of the contraption.

As I stay inside pretty much 24/7 these days, Kitty has acted less as my service animal and more like my pet. That’s not to say that he hasn’t been a force against me completely losing my shit several times over the past few weeks.

But I feel myself not needing him in that capacity as much anymore.

Maybe it’s a false sense of security. I don’t know how to feel about the shift in our relationship. A vague thought tickles the back of my consciousness, that maybe I’ve replaced the emotional support Kitty provides with the overbearing presence of my lover.

Discomfort pushes at the edges of the idea, and I physically shake it off.

Throwing my hair up into a high bun, I follow the smell of coffee brewing.

I stop just short of the kitchen when I hear August speaking. “I do not know how I feel about you marrying Winter. This is all very sudden,” August says.

The woosh of my heartbeat sounds amplified in my ears. He can’t possibly be having this conversation with him now. I peek around the corner and their backs face the entryway. I can tell by August’s outfit that sleep didn’t find him last night. On the counter, August’s impressive collection of helicopter pieces line a microfiber cloth.

His insomnia comes and goes, and I don’t expect to see him again until very late in the afternoon.

“I understand that, Aug,” Hunter says. “Just know that we both want you to be happy. So ask as many questions as you want about it. We’ll tell you what we’re thinking every step of the way. But Winter makes me so, so happy, bud. And I want to make her a permanent part of our family.”

I hold my breath, afraid they’ll catch me in their silence.

August breaks it. “I think Winter is cool as hell. I guess there are worse people you could choose to make my stepmom.” Hunter chuckles, and August adds, “LOL.”

“Will you and Winter have kids?” August is going for the kill.

“Yes, I’m sure we will. She would make a great mom, don’t you think?”

August’s response is quick. “Yes.”

More silence.

“I do not want to share my room with anyone, though. And do not think about turning my game room into a nursery,” August adds.

I hear a gentle exhalation of amusement.

“Wouldn’t think of it,” Hunter says.

A moment later, August says, “You may hug me now, but not for more than thirty seconds.”

I cover my mouth to keep the sob I want to emit from coming out. I’m having several emotions at once. I’m happy that Hunter and August are growing closer and establishing a bond. I’m overwhelmed at all the baby talk and conversations about family. I’m scared because…how could I not be scared?

If I look close enough at my circumstances, it’s easy to see why I’m fucking terrified.

But I’m also in love. I’m in deep, deep love with Hunter Brigham.

And I don’t know how to feel about the fact that my love for him edges out everything else.