Page 88 of Oathbreaker


With incomprehensible slowness, he slides the tip of his cock inside me, and the burst of pleasure from his dick rubbing back and forth past the sensitive mouth of my sex has me quaking in seconds.

“I will always take care of you, Winter.”

In and out. So slow. Not enough.

“I will keep you safe. There’s no one I wouldn’t kill just for hurting your feelings.”

In and out, and then he presses so deep his balls kiss my clit. He holds himself there.

“I need more, H.”

“I know what you need, Winter,” he says. His forearms shake as he holds himself up, bracketing my arms on the couch. I rock back and forth, setting my own pace, and he grabs my hip, stilling me.

“Hunter,” I whine.

“No, Sunbeam. Because you don’t get it yet.”

And that’s when I get angry because he is the one who doesn’t get it.

I pull myself up and whirl around to sit on the sofa. Then I push him. Hard. He stumbles and goes down to the ground. A glass vase falls off the side table and crashes into shards.

I hover over him, sliding my tongue from the base to the tip of his dick. His head drops back.

“You think I’m safe with you, H?”

His eyes are hard as he focuses on my face.

“Here’s the thing, you macho asshole. I keep myself safe.” I straddle him, taking him in to the hilt in one smooth movement.

I set a furious pace, punishing him, punishing myself, as I slam down on his hips.

“I take care of myself,” I say. A snarl accompanies my words as I roll over top him.

“I saved myself.” My throat burns, seconds from losing it. It being my mind. My soul. My heart.

“Yes, you did, Sunbeam.” His eyes glitter in the darkness.

I can’t look at him.

“I killed him. I stabbed him over and over,” I say through gritted teeth.

“And I’m so proud of you for it, baby.” His voice is harsh, raspy, and when his hands reach for my waist, I slap them away.

“I needed you. I cried out for you. I prayed for you to save me. And you didn’t.”

A single tear falls from his eye, and I refuse to allow myself to be gutted at the sight.

“I don’t blame you, H. You didn’t do it to me, but you sure as fuck put me in the position to be ruined.” Sobs cause me to shudder as they drag the oxygen from my body between my words. “You and your fucking father and your fucking games that you’re playing into. If you’d just chosen me first, then....”

I want to collapse over him, let him hold me as I utter the truth that has been tearing me apart inside.

“Sunbeam, you know I chose you. I was trying to keep you safe. I was wrong. I’ll never forgive myself for the fact that I was wrong. It will never happen again. I’ll be dead and in the ground before anyone touches you again,” he pledges.

“I don’t know that I can forgive you. I’m scared that I can’t forgive you, Hunter!”

There. The truth is out. The ugly, painful reality that we may be broken beyond repair. Grounded before we could ever take off.