I look at Kitty as he mirrors the directions my feet move. He whimpers at my obvious distress. Pure madness threatens to overtake my brain, but the truth breaks through. I can’t be on the run with him.
I just can’t. Tears fall in earnest now, my nose clogging.
What the fuck am I doing? Am I really about to do this? Am I really about to leave everyone I love behind?
You never would have been in this position if it weren’t for him.
I kneel to Kitty, giving him one final kiss on his smooth head.
“I love you so much, Kitty. You’re a good boy. The greatest boy. But I need you to stay here, okay? You’ll have Ella and Hunter and August here with you, or maybe you’ll live with Auntie Veronica.”
The tears come forth now, the force of my grief burning in my throat.
“But you’ll be okay. I’ll be okay. But I can’t bring you along from here.”
I kiss him again and he whimpers, his cries turning into quick barks.
“Shhh, lovebug,” I say. I pull out a treat from the drawers near his dog bed.
“Here you go,” I whisper, clearing my throat and wiping my tears. I smile at him.
He ambles over to the bed, and I give him the treat.
“Stay,” I command.
His eyes follow me to the door, and he cries when I shut it.
I pull my backpack up on my shoulder and make my way toward the front of the house. All my thoughts are a jumble, weaving in and out. I can’t make sense of anything except I probably should leave.
I should leave.
I need to leave.
I’m in the foyer, almost to the front door, when a short sigh from behind causes me to stop.
“I knew you’d run.”
I take my time turning back around, squaring my shoulders as Hunter looks down at me from his place on the stairs.
“I’m leaving, Hunter. I need to go.” I’d almost believe myself if my throat didn’t burn with the force of holding back tears.
“Why?” he snaps. “I love you, Winter. I shouldn’t have—” He breaks off, rubbing a hand over his mouth.
“I shouldn’t have locked you in the room. That was fucked of me to do.” He visibly swallows. “I should have told you everything earlier, but I was afraid. I was afraid to hurt you. I was afraid of my worst nightmare coming true. The nightmare that we’re standing in right now.”
He starts to pace, and I bite my lip to keep from wailing.
“Winter, what do I have to do to get you to forgive me? Tell me and I’ll do it. Just don’t leave.” He stops his movements, and I’ve never seen a human look so devastated. His face moves through so many emotions—sad, lost, resolved.
“Winter, stay,” he says in a firm voice. The pure strength and determination radiating off him scrambles my synapses and shoots a bolt of desire to my dormant parts.
“Hunter, we can’t do this anymore. We’re hurting each other. It needs to stop.” I say the last part in a whisper. I don’t even believe my words.
I just know that at this point, I’m more broken than ever. Even with all my training, I think I finally cracked.
Adam Collins officially killed me. He won.