I look at my watch, frowning when I notice it’s been three hours since Hunter left without a word. Well, he did leave a word. A text. A text that had me wanting to throw myself into his arms and say, “Forget it! I’ll stay prisoner here as long as you love me.”
I wanted to see him before he left, but if I’m honest? I stayed in our room to give myself space to think about everything. And in my contemplation, I realized that I don’t know who I’m turning into. The Winter Before Hunter wasn’t a pushover. She was strong, a little naive, but brave.
Winter After Hunter is….
I don’t know who that person is.
I’m livid about what Hunter did, so I resent the bubble of anxiety that wells up when we’re apart.
You are safe in this house, I chant to myself.
“I’m hungry,” August says.
“Want some popcorn?” Veronica says.
“He doesn’t eat popcorn,” Ella and I say at the same time. I smile at Ella, but the quick flick of her eyes to my face is the only acknowledgment I receive.
“I am going to get Cheese-Itz. I will be right back.”
August scoots off the sofa and exits the room, closing the door behind him.
He took the news of the pregnancy really well. I was still seething at Hunter when we met up in the game room to break the news, but I pulled it together for August.
I’d do anything for August.
I don’t know when I started to embody the role of August’s stepmother. I know I’ll never replace his actual mother, nor will I ever try to. But along the way, August went from being a kid I liked to my son.
I wonder how he’d feel if I were to call him that?
I must be making a face because Veronica’s sock-clad foot pokes my side.
“What’s up, chica?” She tilts her head to the side, rocking her White Claw gently from side to side.
I blow out a breath. “It’s the hormones,” I say, waving away the concern. Kitty huffs at the movement, settling back into my side.
“I still can’t believe you’re knocked up, Winter,” Ella says in a ponderous tone. She looks up to face us both.
“I can’t believe it either,” I say.
“Really?” Veronica pipes up. “Do you need me to have the talk with you again? Because with how much you and Hunter fu?—”
“Uh, God, please don’t.” Ella groans from beneath her pile of blankets. Through one of the cracks, her hand snakes out to grab a sour straw.
Veronica cackles, and I rocket one of the forty throw pillows at her.
“I’m so excited to be an aunt again,” Ella says in a voice that sounds anything but excited. “What do you want, a boy or girl?”
I think about her words, and I’m thrown off guard. I haven’t thought much about the sex of the baby or what I’d prefer. I want to get through the pregnancy uneventfully.
“I just wanna get them gestated and out safely. I don’t care either way,” I say honestly.
Ella nods and Veronica says, “That’s very new age of you, babes.” I toss another pillow at her.
We settle in a comfortable silence, unironically watching Big Daddy with the volume turned low.
“August has been gone for a while,” Ella murmurs. She checks her watch. I do the same, noticing he’s been gone for more than fifteen minutes.
“Let me go check on him,” Ella says, and I stop her with my hand on her arm.