Chapter 38
I saw fucking red. I never in a million years would’ve guessed that Ryan fucking killed Matt to get me. I wasn’t worth killing for! Matt didn’t deserve to fucking die! My heart tore open, shattering into a million pieces all over again as if I was reliving that night again. A broken scream escaped my lips as my entire world rocked. He fucking tore my soul apart and for what?! To have me be his?
I bolted up from the bed and busted out of the door, Max on my heels, only to see everyone standing out in the middle of a partially empty warehouse. I stalked up to the center of the room and stared down a tied-up Ryan and a tied-up Derek. Rage filled me and I wanted blood.
“How fucking could you?!” I screamed at Ryan as he stared me in the eyes. He didn’t know how badly I was broken when he met me. I hid that shit so fucking good. I cried in the shower when he would sleep. I would listen to old voicemails just so I didn’t feel so fucking alone.
“He crossed me. He should’ve just dumped you and handed you over to me that night at the library. When he didn’t and you stopped doing the events for my dad, I couldn’t let that go. I removed an obstacle,” Ryan said it so matter of fact. Like I was some fucking carnival prize that was won for a price. Only the price was Matt’s life.
Anger seeped through me; I didn’t see the man I spent the last few years with. I didn’t even see the man who proposed to me three years ago. No, I saw the monster who I hid from almost daily. The monster who beat me when I stepped out of line. The monster who threw me down stairs when he thought I was pregnant, thank the stars I wasn’t. This man was nothing more than a monster. One who was used to getting his way and I was nothing more that a trophy. He knew what he did to me. Knew that he killed me that night and yet continued to act as if he loved me. What a fucking joke. My life ended the night Matt died and I didn’t come alive again until I met Max.
Ryan is going to pay for this. I won’t let him hurt me anymore. Everyone was standing still around me. Max watching my every move, Roark stepping to the side of me closer to the chainsaw in the corner. Poor Ally watched me like I was a rabid dog that needed to be treated with kid gloves and coddled. Then there was Tony, Andy, Mitch, Brian and Monty. All just watching me, unsure of where my mind is, unsure of what I might do.
The tray of assorted surgical tools was sitting between Derek and Ryan. Both men deserved to die. Both men took something from me. Both men enjoyed my misery and my torture. Both men weren’t leaving here alive tonight if I have my way. The knife on the tray looked so inviting to me, but it was the nails and hammer that caught my attention.
“You fucked up. You killed the one person on this planet who knew me the best. The man who loved me unconditional despite my flaws, despite that I was just a librarian. He loved me more than you ever could. I died when he did,” I spat out, grabbing two nails from the tray and the small hammer. I looked at Max a smiled a little, “I was only brought back from the dead when I met Max. I was dead with you, a rotting walking fucking corpse!”
I yelled at him as I took a nail, lined it up on his dick and slammed the hammer down hard on the head of the nail, driving it through his dick and into the chair. Derek started yelling and I turned to him. “You’re not off the hook either you dumb fuck. You raped me on the side of the fucking road. You think I’m going to let you off?” His eyes went wide as he started yelling no, no, no. I looked him dead in the eyes and smiled. “You didn’t stop when I screamed no.”
I hammered in the other nail straight into his dick, letting him scream out in agony at the blistering pain that I am causing. I can’t help but laugh. I didn’t pity these men. No, but I did pity the men in the room that just watched me do that. I looked at all of them, “Sorry.” Was all I could muster.
I looked back at the tray, the knife still singing to me to help me get the perfect revenge. I looked over to Andy who was clutching his balls in his hands. “Can you get me the photos of Max’s crime scene?” I ask, tracing my fingers over the knives and scalpels. Roark watched me closely as my fingers danced over the thumb pressed ice cream scooper. The glistened as I picked it up. I guess he approved of this choice.
“Megan, I don’t think—,” Ally begun but Andy cut her off.
“I got them right here. Are you sure you want to see these?” Andy had his laptop in his hand, screen kept from me. I haven’t seen these photos; I only saw the after math after the funeral home fixed him up. This will be the final thing that breaks me, but it’s the last piece I need. I nod, leaving it up to Andy to show me the photos.
Matt was stabbed several times in the chest, blood covered him entirely. Multiple cuts and abrasions covered his face and his arms. His lip was busted and bloody, his eyes wide open staring down the man who did this. There were six stab wounds across his upper chest, two long slashes down each of his arms, several more stab wounds to his legs, and then there was the final blow, his throat was slit, and his heart was removed.
I looked at Ryan, this man did this to my true love, my high school sweetheart and the man who I was planning to live the rest of my life with. Now, it’s his turn to learn what it felt like. “I want you to see what I do to you, but you only need one eye to watch me.” I said as I popped the ice cream scooper into his left eye and pressed the lever with my thumb. There was some resistance, but I was able to scoop it right the fuck out. His screams were like music to my ears. Dereks yelling was an added bonus.
I looked at the eye in the scoop and then to Derek. “Here, have a present,” I said as I dropped his brothers eye in his lap and walked away. I returned the scoop to the tray and grabbed the knife. Ally came up next to me, placing her hand gently on mine.
“If you can’t do it, you have a room full of friends who will do it for you,” she assured me. I looked at everyone, no one was judging me, no one was trying to stop me. They all understood that I needed this. Ally just didn’t want me to feel alone.
“I need to do this Ally,” I whispered to her. She nodded, patted my hand, and stepped back over next to Tony, who nodded at me as well. They were waiting for me to do what I needed to do.
I gripped the knife in my hand, and stared past Ryan to look directly at Max. He nodded and smiled at me. All the confirmation I needed that he wouldn’t treat me any different when I was done.
I launched myself at Ryan, plunging the knife into his chest several times. His screams were loud. After the sixth stab to his chest, his screams turned to gurgled begging for me to stop. I must’ve punctured his lungs. If that was the case, I didn’t have much time left. I made quick work of slashing his arms like he did to Matt, moving down to his legs, stabbing him over and over. His blood coated my hands, sprayed on my fresh new clothes and face, my hair was getting wet with the spray from the blood.
Ryans screams began to fade, and that’s when I knew I needed to end it. “This is for Matt. I hope you rot in hell!” I stabbed the knife into the left side of his throat and forcefully dragged it across to the right side. I pulled the knife out and went back at his chest, slicing down from his throat to right below his ribs. I threw the knife down on the ground and looked over at the hammer and the chisel I didn’t notice earlier. I grabbed both and went at his ribs to get to his heart.
As the last rib cracked and I could see his chest stop rising, I reached his heart and ripped it from his chest. I held it in my hands for a moment, listening to Derek spew profanity at me. I leaned down to the ground and grabbed the knife once more and walked to where Derek was sitting.
“His heart may bleed red, but it’s toxic and rotting, just like you,” I say right as I stab Ryans heart over Dereks face, letting his brothers blood pour over him, like a poisonous venom he can’t get away from. Derek tries to spit the blood from his mouth but fails miserably at it. I just squeeze Ryan’s heart harder, forcing the blood to fall down faster. They both deserve to rot away for all eternity. I hope Hades has a fitting punishment for them. I know he’ll have one for me.
Reality hit a moment later, I killed Ryan. I killed Ryan, and I don’t feel a bit of fucking remorse.
Chapter 39
As the thick crimson liquid finally slows to a stop, I drop Ryan’s heart on Derek’s lap. Max looked at me, not out of disgust, but out of worry for where my mental state was. I didn’t hear Derek yelling for me to stop, I didn’t hear anyone try to stop me honestly. Hell, someone could’ve been cheering me on, and I wouldn’t have even heard them. Would I have cared if I did?
No, I wouldn’t have cared, and I wouldn’t have stopped. Derek was still spitting blood all over the place and griping about how nasty it was. I chuckled. I couldn’t fucking help it. I looked back at the tray of assorted tools. I frowned a little at the lack of penetration tools. I want to inflict the same pain on him that he did to me on the road side.