He set me down on the black marble countertop in the bathroom, right between the his and her sinks. His bathroom was big, white tiles on the floor with grey walls and a standing glass shower. There was a tub in the house, but it was not in this bathroom. If I wanted to soak I would have to go to the guest room, where I used to stay.
I watched as Max turned on the shower, flexing his back muscles like he was in the gym showing off to his buddies. My eyes trailed lower to take in a nice glimpse of his ass, tone and tan. I swear this man goes to a tanning booth. I slowly take him in, noticing pale scars across his back. Some were small, like precise cuts, others were long and jagged. The one that stood out the most was a large x-like cross on his back, it was the largest and the deepest scar I could see. It wasn’t a pale scar like the others, it was more of a reddish fleshy scar. The longer slash went from his right shoulder all the way down to his left hip, the other slash was shorter going from below his left shoulder blade to right at the top of his right hip bone.
I have been living with this man and never once noticed these scars, nor the large dragon tattoo. It was beautiful, a large black dragon that sprawled across his right side of his body, the head resting on his shoulder. It had beautiful violet eyes that look like gemstones against the dark scales.
“Like it?” he asked as he turned to look at me. His eyes focusing on my lips, waiting for a response.
“It’s beautiful. Did it hurt?” I ask him as he comes back over to me after testing the water. He spread my legs and settled between then holding me close to his body. I wrap my legs around him and he hoists me up from the countertop and walks us over to the shower.
“I didn’t feel it. I’ve dealt with worse pain than that,” he says as he walks us under the water. Before I can utter another word, his lips crash into mine as he holds me tighter. I squeeze my legs around his waist, feeling his cock harden again trying to push it’s way back into me. “You know, I was trying to hold off fucking you right?” He states as he breaks our kiss. I watch as the water trails down his neck and down his chest.
“Why?” I whisper into the water that graces his lips.
“Because I knew once I fucked you, I would be ruined. I knew I wouldn’t want to fucking stop. You would break me and have full control of me,” he utters each sentence like he is making a vow. “Megan, if you think you can get rid of me now that I’ve had you.” He pauses, pushing me up against the wall, “You’ve got another thing coming.”
He slams his cock into my pussy slamming us against the wall, my legs squeeze tighter around his waist pulling him in deeper. He pulled one of his hands free from my waist and wraps it around my throat. I panic, fear seeping into me at the memory of having the air choked out of my lungs, but he kept his pace. Plunging me deeper and deeper into myself. Max’s fingers gave a quick squeeze pulling my attention back to him.
“I won’t ever hurt you, just trust me,” his lips crashed onto mine as he squeezed my throat tight but not tight enough that I couldn’t still breath. I tried to relax my brain, his trusts keeping pace with my heartbeat. I wrapped my arms around his neck and dug my nails into his muscles. He groaned at the sharp pain, shuddering under my touch. His cock thrusted harder into me, harder and harder. I could feel my pussy clenching onto him for dear life. I didn’t want him to stop.
I dug my nails hard into his shoulders forcing a snarl out of him that sent goosebumps over my skin. His eyes met mine once more and he smiled, flashing his beautifully white teeth before he sunk them into the rose-colored flesh of my nipples. A ripple of pleasure and pain tore through me, bringing me to the point of release.
“Be a good girl and come for me,” he demands, his deep voice sending vibrations through me body. I dig my fingers harder into his shoulders, feeling them puncture his flesh. A roar ripped from his throat as he spilled into me, pulling me through my crashing wave of release. His hand released my throat, sliding back down my body to my ass.
“Is this going to be an all-night thing?” I jokingly ask as he walks us back under the falling water.
“This is going to be the rest of your life, fucked and left dripping daily,” he pressed his lips against my throat. “I just need you to trust me.”
“I’ll try.” I reply, hugging onto him, watching the water snake down our bodies. I felt so complete and so tired that I could fall asleep right here.
“Close you’re eyes baby girl, I got you,” Max whispers as he one hangs the pump on the soap and starts to rubs the suds all over my body cleaning me off. If he drags his hand across my clit or my entrance, all bets are off, and I will throw him on the ground and ride him until my legs lock and I can’t move
“I’m not trying to excite you; I need to get you back to sleep soon. Stop trying to ride my dick,” He commands as I unintentionally slide myself up and down his length.
“Then tell your dick to not be so damn hard. That thing is fucking glorious!” I share with pure admiration and horniness. I could totally go for another fucking.
“Then stop being so damn attractive and maybe it will go down,” he laughs, finishing up his quick clean up of our bodies. He was quick but thorough making sure all of our parts were clean without making us both hornier than we already are.
After he rinses us off and gets us out of the shower, he dries us both off then takes us back to bed. This time he wraps me in the sheet and curls up to me. “Get some sleep sweetheart. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.” He kisses my head as I curl up into his chest. The sound of his heart lulls me back to sleep. What a peaceful sound.
Chapter 31
The next day went by in such a blur. My work was busy, I had completely forgotten that we were hosting Michael Paxley’s campaign debate this weekend. I didn’t want to be here when that happened, but sadly since I agreed to be the host since Ryan and I were dating at the time, I have no choice. I can’t back out now despite everyone telling me I could. Ally even offered to host just so I wouldn’t have to look at Ryan and his family.
I couldn’t do it though. I couldn’t be unprofessional just because their son and I are no longer together. Alan came in earlier today to check on the setup and see how everything was going. He was nice to me, not at all the way I was expecting after his mother’s disgusting behavior the other day. Hell, he probably had no idea what she did. She was good at never letting her children see her as the manipulative, psychotic bitch she really was. I can’t blame them for not seeing it though, that is their mother.
Tomorrow we will start the preparation for hundreds of reporters and news outlets to swarm our library turning it from the quiet sanctuary that we all love into a three-ring circus. And not even the good kind. I let the day continue to just fly by without a second thought about the Paxley’s. Once Alan left around two I was able to continue on about my day without any other drama.
Stocking new books that we ordered, setting up the social media posts for an upcoming author signing that we were hosting the following weekend, and restocking the shelves with returned books. The children’s room was full of littles waiting on story time with Ally, but one little girl named Lydia was watching me. She was a bit of an oddball, but I adored her. I walk into the room, and she smiles, waving at me. “Hello, Miss Megan,” she chimes as I take the seat next to her on the wooden bench. Her black hair is up in pigtails today with an assortment of rainbow clips and beads throughout. Her dark brown eyes focus intensely on the book in my hand. “What’s that on about?”
I look down at the full collection of Edgar Allen Poe work in my hands. I know she would absolutely love it, and her mother might let her read it, but that wasn’t my call. “It’s a book of famous poems by one of my favorite authors. I think you’d like him, but it’s up to your mom or dad if they want you to read them,” I smile back at her. The look of pondering and concentration on her face is the cutest thing ever. She’s only about six or seven, but she is the most inquisitive little one I have ever met.
“I’ll have to ask my mommy. She’s here with me today. Are you staying to hear the story?” She perks up a little hoping I will say yes, but if I say yes Ally will force me to read too and I have a huge fear of public speaking. Especially to little kids, they are honest, brutal little truth flesh boxes with no filter! No thank you.
“I can’t today Lydia. Maybe next week okay?” I say to her, the look of disappointment a little rough for me to take, “How about this, I will give this book to your mom and tell her you are interested in it. This way you don’t have to think of a way to ask her.”
“Okay!” Lydia chirps, waiting patiently for me to allow her to hug me. I’ll say this much, she cares about peoples space more than most adults I know. I open my arms and she runs into me giving me a huge hug. “I’ll see you later!” She heads over to the rest of the kids as Ally finally enters the room, gathering all the children up.