Page 30 of The Book of Wrath

“You’re looking good, and your vitals have vastly improved since the day you came in, I want you to check up with us in a few weeks, but if your pain gets too uncomfortable come back to the emergency room. I’ll come back with your discharge papers in a little bit. Do you have any questions?” She looked between Max and I, there is one question that I want to ask, but I rather not embarrass myself in a room full of people.

“Yeah, I have one,” Ally piped up. Dr. Silverman looked over at her, nodding her head. “Can she have sex?” Not only did my face go cherry tomato red, but so did my sisters. Max and the guys all looked away to give us some semblance of privacy.

“If she is comfortable with having intercourse, she can do so within reason. Nothing too rough,” she said, drilling a hole into Max. He just smirked, I can only imagine what he is about to say and do. Before he could say anything, she got up and made her way for the door. “I’ll send Millie in with your discharge paperwork and instructions. It was nice meeting you all.”

She shut the door before we had a chance to say the same. This group must have annoyed her so much while I was asleep. My sister, Ally and Tony left shortly after the doctor. Roark and Andy looked over at us and decided they needed to make their exit as well. “Don’t forget you have that meeting with Rick that you pushed off. I can come over and sit with Megan while you are out. If you’re okay with that Megan,” Roark says to us, I nod and that seems to be the end of the conversation.

Ten minutes later and we are discharged. I am so happy to get the hell out of here. I wish I didn’t have to be taken out in a wheelchair, but protocol is protocol. I am finally free from the damn hospital.

As Max helps me into the car, he gives me a kiss on my cheek. I buckle up and wait for him to get into the driver seat.

“Are you ready to go home, Megan?” He asks, lacing his fingers in mine.

“Yes,” I whisper back, kissing him on the cheek. “It’s time for our adventure.”

Chapter 24


She is going to be the death of me! Its been hours since she’s been inside my home, cleaning. Just literally cleaning everything. Why the hell do I find her cleaning my house so fucking sexy. Despite the fact that I’ve told her to rest and stop cleaning, she’s refused saying clearly only a man has lived here.

She’s managed to throw out every bit of food that was out of date or I had no idea how long it had been in there. She loaded the dishwasher twice since she’s been here, hand drying and putting things away, she threw laundry in and told me to get over it when I protested.

A knock came at the door a little after three, she went to open it, but I stopped her. “It’s someone knocking, we’re expecting Roark. Stop acting like every damn person is going to hurt me,” she chastises me.

“Pardon me that I care a little more about your safety than you do,” I grunt pushing past her to get the door. She lets out a frustrated sound and storms off into the living room. I pull open the door and sure enough Roark is standing here in dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt. “Really dude?”

“What? I want to be comfortable. Should I have shown up in my uniform as official protection detail instead?” Roark says, waiting patiently for me to let him in. I step out of the way. The vacuum cleaner kicks on in the other room causing me to roll my eyes. My house was not this damn messy.

“Trouble in paradise already?” Roark teases me. It’s not anything like that.

“I think she’s trying to distract herself,” I pause and look at him. I mean really look at him. He normally dresses like this, but today he has on more cologne, a pep in his step, and his eyes have been focused on Megan a little too much to my liking since he met her. “Let me be clear, she is mine. If I find out that you have touched her or put her in any compromising positions, I will cut your hands off and shove them in places you don’t want them to go.”

“Dude, chill. I know her. Well, I know her family. Her brother Jason is friends with my brother. Nothing more than that,” Roark says before he leans in close to me to whisper, “If you threaten me again though, I might just have to show you how quick something can be taken from you.”

The vacuum cleaner shut off and Megan walks in on our little confrontation. “Hi Roark. Thank you for coming over to sit with me while Max goes to his meeting.” She smiles at him and glares at me like I am the one who is invading her space.

“No worries, maybe we can go to your place so you can grab some of your things to bring here so you can be more comfortable,” Roark offers. I try to keep my blood from boiling over. I am going to end up beating this shit out of him if he tries anything with her.

“That sounds like a plan. There are a few things I need that Ally didn’t grab. I also have to go to my work and make sure I still have a job. I can drive so Max doesn’t think you’ll kidnap me,” she says, lightly teasing me. I grab my keys and wallet from the basket on the table by the door.

“I promise not to be gone long. I just have to talk to my boss to make sure I am also still good with my job,” I say turning for the door. Megan stops me before I walk out of the door. She hugs me and places a kiss to my cheek.

“Come back safe okay?” She whispers to me; well, my heart is now shattered in a million pieces. Aside from my family, no one ever really seemed to care if I came home safe. I took her face between my palms and kissed her on the lips.

“I can promise you that today, I will come home safe. You just be safe too. I don’t want to have to rip Roark apart if something happens to you,” my last not so subtle warning to him.

“I won’t let anything happen to her. I promise on Sabrina,” Roark put his hand over his heart because he knew swearing on my sister was a promise I would hold them all to. Megan gave me a questioning look.

“I’ll explain later,” I kiss her once more and then head out the door. He better keep her fucking safe.

Chapter 25


Roark knows a lot about random things, it’s oddly weird how I’ve fallen into an easy conversation with him after Max left. I was expecting the same brooding male I saw at the hospital. Blocking the door, watching the windows, but that wasn’t the case. We left Max’s a little while ago and walked over to my place. Thankfully Max had grabbed my house keys the night of the incident.

“I have no idea what to expect when I get inside,” I try to warn him, but he just shrugs his shoulders.