Page 73 of Daydream

Why do you ask?

Bobby is a snitch is what you mean.

It was Emilia actually

She now owes me 5 bucks because I called it weeks ago

She thought I might want to hook up with other people.

Then she said we’re still just friends.

Do you want to hook up with other people?


Do you want a relationship?

I don’t really care what it’s called.

It was me not wanting her to date other people that made me make a move in the first place.

After a Robbie pep talk when I was jealous.

That boy really loves a pep talk

Okay, all these things do not put you in the friend zone

But maybe you guys just need to work out what you want out of your situation

Like is it just sex? Is it companionship? Is it both? Is it only when you’re both single?

Has she had a shitty relationship in the past?

Yes. Will Ellington from San Diego.

Yikes. Has anyone told him he’s not that great yet?

I plan to.

Maybe she likes no expectations because she’s still deciding what her boundaries are

Remember you get to set your boundaries too dude

Give it time. It’s new, but if she’s as sweet as everyone says she is you should hang on

So I’m overthinking it?

Seems like it. But you know what I always say

Aunts are hotter than moms?


Well yes

But no

Communicate is what I always say. Make sure you’re on the same page