He rubbed his thumb against my cheek, his expression one of exasperation. “You really are the most difficult person I’ve ever dealt with.” He tugged my wrist, then pulled me toward a door near the back.
“Don’t try to tell me sex helps people sleep. I’m not about to fall for that line again.”
“It isn’t sex but orgasms that help people sleep,” Kelvin corrected me.
“Well, that explains it then. Most men who tried that line weren’t good enough to get me there.”
He went through the door to his bedroom. The bed was unmade, something strange to me. He was so perfect in so many ways, I’d figured he’d make his bed before ever leaving the room.
No, focus! This isn’t about the bed, it’s about what he wants to do on that bed!
I tugged against his hold, but he kept walking as though he didn’t notice it. “I’m going to go with a hard no on this.”
“Relax,” Kelvin all but purred, but that smooth voice did nothing to calm me. If anything, it reminded me just how good he was at talking people into things.
Or out of them—like my panties.
He pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around me despite my struggles. He caught my chin, lifted my gaze to his and I nearly lost myself in those crystal blue eyes. How could a man this shady, this twisted, have eyes that clear and perfect? “I’m not going to hurt you, Grey. After all these years, you still doubt me on something so simple?”
“Of course I doubt you,” I whispered back, not wanting to lift my voice given how close we stood. “You’re impossible to nail down.”
“Just like you. It makes us a sort of perfect pair, doesn’t it?”
He laughed, the sound seeming as though he truly enjoyed our back and forth. “You worry too much. Just relax.”
“Do I look like a ‘just relax and let it happen’ sort of girl?”
“No, which is one of the things I like about you.” He released me so fast I stumbled backward to put space between us.
Except, instead of where I expected to be, with slightly stale and sweet air, a breeze caressed my heated cheeks. I turned to find the city spread out before me—not through glass this time.
“A balcony?”
Kelvin leaned his shoulder against the door frame. “There aren’t many rooms in this building with exterior balconies or windows that open. It makes most vampires nervous. We’re at such a disadvantage when it comes to daytime hours, when we sleep, that we prefer more den-like places. I took this room because of this, though. I like to sit out here at night and feel the breeze.”
“You aren’t afraid of being toasted if you forget to close it?”
“We’re on the north side of the building. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it doesn’t directly shine into the room much. My bed is placed against the wall, far enough away that even if that door were open all day, the sun would never reach me.”
“I could put a mirror up…”
“You really are vicious.”
Even as we bickered, my gaze went to the large open balcony. It had chairs and a large swing, the chairs showing signs of heavy use. I tried to picture Kelvin out here, staring at the city.
It gave me a rather sad feeling, something I pushed away. The last thing I needed was to experience any sort of sympathy for that asshole.
“Why are you showing me this?” I went to the edge of the balcony, leaning against the railing. Wind rushed through my hair, rustling it, making me feel free for the first time since this had all happened.
“You’re welcome to sleep out here if you want. You can’t come and go as you wish, can’t step outside like you used to, and it’s wearing on you. You’re welcome to use this whenever you want.”
“And what are you getting out of that?”
Warmth pressed against my back, but he didn’t wrap his arms around me. Instead, he set his hands on the railing outside of mine, trapping me just as effectively. “You may see this as fake, but I still see you as my thrall. Of course I’d take care of you. In fact, I believe I would do just about anything to keep you safe.”
I breathed in deeply, surprised at how little the position bothered me. Even if I knew I should push him away, that I shouldn’t accept anything from him, I couldn’t do that. He’d use it against me, use all these little gifts as ways to control me, but right then? After trying to sleep in a tiny closed room, after that suffocating hood had covered me all day, it seemed a worthwhile risk.