Eventually, it turned to sex.
And no matter how enjoyable, it would fade away afterward, like it always did.
The thought caused an ache inside me, but I refused to think about why. Instead, I reached down between us and wrapped my hand around his thick cock.
I stroked him once, my grip tight and my speed slow, as I rose up to my knees over him. The head of his cock was wet with precum, and I savored how he slid along my cunt, the pleasure as he ground against my desperate clit.
He released another low sound, this one more ravenous than before. Every muscle in his body strained, as if he had to use all his control to remain still. It gave me a moment to tease him and myself.
I ran the head of his cock against my drenched pussy, amazed that I could be this turned on when he’d barely touched me. He hadn’t gone down on me, hadn’t fingered me, had been rather passive and useless, all things considered. Despite that, I doubted I’d ever wanted sex this badly. I’d never been this hungry for it.
Too quickly the idea backfired, however, and when he rolled his hips up, when he ground against my clit hard enough that I cried out, I knew all my teasing had gotten to me at least as much.
I couldn’t wait any longer, couldn’t stand this empty feeling inside me, the way my pussy clenched around nothing.
So I lined him up, pressing him against my cunt, then lowered myself slowly. I gasped at the fullness, at the way he spread me. It was almost torture, the sensation so overwhelming that I let my head fall backward as I continued to lower myself.
It took forever before my thighs touched his pelvis, before I’d taken him all and not an inch of space existed between us.
It left me in his lap, connected in so primal a way, my face just before his. I swallowed hard as I stared into his blue eyes, suddenly nervous.
Sex hadn’t made me nervous. Being naked hadn’t made me nervous.
The way he looked at me, though? The intimate way we sat?
Oh, that made me really fucking nervous.
I tried to pull back, startled by the closeness, by how fucking romantic this seemed.
And Kelvin, who hadn’t done shit so far, must have woken up because he tightened his grasp on my waist to keep me there. No, not just keep me there, but because I’d pulled away, his grip also forced his cock deep into me again.
The sound that escaped my lips was downright embarrassing. When had I ever sounded like that? For a moment, I wondered if someone else had gotten into the room. It wouldn’t be my first threesome, but I normally knew they were threesomes from the start.
A surprise guest star was unusual, even for me.
But, no dice, because that was for sure my own needy little whine.
“Don’t go,” Kelvin said, his voice like a plea. “I’ve spent years with you at a distance, years where you were always out of my reach. No matter how close I wanted to get, you were the only thing I couldn’t have. Don’t run, not right now. Afterward? Run if you want—I’ll chase, but for right now? Just forget everything else and give me this.”
I swallowed as I stared back into his serious eyes, as the pounding of his heart struck me as terrifyingly loud. Even if he begged me, I got the sense he’d let me go if I demanded it.
Why I thought that, I had no idea. He hadn’t proven himself as very caring when it came to the wants of other people, but I still believed it.
In fact, when I pressed against his chest to rise, he loosened his grip on me as though to let me go.
That alone drove me on, and when I rose up enough that only the tip of his cock remained inside me, I came down hard, taking him deep inside me.
My body—still unused to this—protested at the sudden invasion. It was like it screamed at me, reminded me I wasn’t as experienced as I wanted to pretend, that I should go slower and ease into things.
Fuck easing into things, and fuck me. I set a brutal pace, enjoying the way it shoved every other thought from me.
Kelvin used his hold on my waist to drive me on, to keep me going, which helped when my thighs started to burn from the effort.
Not that I cared. I would do this for years if I needed, until my muscles gave up and I was nothing but a quivering mess of exhaustion and satisfaction.
I opened my eyes and caught sight of Kelvin. The man looked amazing there, his face pinched into lines of tension, his muscles rigid, and I wanted him to be mine.
Maybe it was strange, but I looked at him the way I looked at the items I wanted to steal, the shiny things my stupid crow brain wanted to collect and hoard. I wanted Kelvin the same way, to have him be all mine, to own him but not to be owned by him.