Page 36 of Mirror of Vanity

I slipped my hand around his neck, my fingers threading through his hair as I gently pulled him to my throat. “Please, drink.”

This was the last thing I could offer him, the ultimate gift of life and love. I needed him more than he knew. With all my heart, I hoped he would accept it. Allow himself this moment of vulnerability and connection.

My breath quickened as Justice put his rugged hands on my arms. “Are you sure about this, Sawyer?” His warm, spicy breath caressed my skin like a soft melody, sending a delightful shiver through my body.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, exposing more of my flesh to him. “Yes, please drink,” I whispered, my voice trembling with anticipation and desire.

For a moment, nothing happened except the thundering of my heart and the blood rushing through my veins. The air between us grew heavy with unspoken emotions, a silent acknowledgment of the profound trust and intimacy we shared.

To my relief and joy, Justice didn’t refuse my gift.

As his lips brushed against my skin, a shiver ran down my spine. Not fear but pure, unadulterated anticipation. I held my breath, surrendering to the intimacy of the moment.

In that quiet bathroom, with the weight of the world momentarily lifted from our shoulders, a sense of peace washed over me. No matter what challenges lay ahead or how dark the path might become, I knew we would face it together, our love a guiding light in the shadows.

As Justice’s fangs gently pierced my skin, a gasp of pleasure escaped my lips. The sensation of his mouth on my throat, the gentle pull of his lips as he drank from me, was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was a moment of pure connection, a physical manifestation of the love and trust we shared.

I had never told any man I loved him. The words always caught in my throat, held back by fear and uncertainty. Yet with Justice, the feeling was undeniable, a force that threatened to consume me.

Still, somehow, telling Justice how I felt about him seemed a million times harder than fighting a demon. The thought of baring my soul, of putting my heart on the line, was both exhilarating and terrifying. At that moment, with his body pressed against mine and his lips on my skin, I knew I couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Justice,” I rasped, my fingers tangling in his hair. But the three little words caught in my throat, refusing to be spoken.

If Damon were here, he’d call me a coward, but when had he ever whispered those words himself?

Justice pulled back, his eyes meeting mine with an intensity that stole my breath. In their depths, I saw the love and adoration I felt for him, a mirror of my own soul.

Unable to speak, I did the only thing I could to show him how I felt. I slipped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer, capturing his lips in a searing kiss. The taste of my blood mingled with his unique flavor, a heady combination that set my senses ablaze.

He responded with hunger, pushing me back onto the floor and stretching out on top of me. His kiss devoured me as if he had been starving out in the wilds, and I was the only sustenance that could save him. My hands roamed over his back, feeling his muscles ripple beneath my touch.

As Justice planted kisses down my throat, I arched up, giving him everything he needed, everything I had to offer. Our bodies spoke the words our lips couldn’t form, a language of passion and love that transcended speech.

The world around us faded away, the bathroom tiles cool against my back, the distant sounds of the castle muffled by the pounding of our hearts. Nothing else mattered but the feeling of Justice’s skin against mine, the way our bodies moved in perfect harmony.

With each kiss, each caress, we sealed the unspoken vow between us, a promise of forever that needed no words. And as we lost ourselves in the depths of our love, I knew no matter what the future held, we would face it together, our souls forever entwined.

“Justice, Sawyer, are you in there?” An irritated male voice penetrated our special moment.

Justice pulled away. “We can never catch a break, can we?”

I gave him a smile and laughed. He stood and pulled me to my feet.

“Open the door.” The knocking continued feverishly. If the person didn’t stop, he’d punch a hole through the door.

Justice whipped it open. “Is there a problem?”

“Yes. The king needs to see you immediately. Our scouts have returned, and there is trouble in the Veil of Shadows. A shadow dragon has been spotted.”


A heavy silence followed the mention of Maci, crushing our tender moment. If she was here, in the Unseelie realm, she wouldn’t be alone. No doubt she’d have an army of demons at her command, guarding the Archive of Shadows with ruthless efficiency.

I rubbed my forehead, a miserable sigh escaping my lips. “Tell Garrick we will be there shortly,” I told the servant.

As the servant bowed and left the room, Justice came up behind me, his strong hands clasping my shoulders. “We’ll find a way to defeat her,” he assured me.

I placed my hand over his, drawing strength from his touch and the unwavering belief he had in us. “But at what cost?” I whispered.