Page 3 of Mirror of Vanity


The bustling airport was alive with the chatter of travelers and the distant hum of jet engines as the four of us boarded the plane. The stale smell of recycled air and the cramped quarters of the economy-class seats did little to ease my nerves.

My stomach was in knots, a tangled mess of emotions. I was nervous about taking such a long flight, my palms sweaty as I gripped the armrest. Yet, beneath the anxiety, a flicker of excitement danced in my heart at the thought of going overseas for the first time.

I settled into the seat beside the window, and Justice slid in next to me. Lisa and Damon sat behind us, their laughter filling the air. As Justice’s elbow brushed against mine, I caught a whiff of his spicy masculine scent, sending a rush of warmth through me. My heart raced as our shoulders slightly touched, igniting a spark of electricity between us.

Justice glanced at my white knuckles gripping the armrest. He cocked his eyebrow. “You’re nervous about flying?”

“A little,” I admitted with a sheepish smile. “My passport has never been stamped before.”

His grin widened, revealing dimples and a perfect set of teeth, including sharp fangs. “Don’t worry. We have an overnight flight, so you can sleep through most of it.” He leaned in conspiratorially. “Plus, international flights are much smoother than domestic ones. You won’t even feel the turbulence.”

I looked at him skeptically. “Promise?”

He released a deep, weary sigh, and his shoulders slumped. “You can never trust me, can you?” I heard the hurt in his voice and saw it in his dark brown eyes.

My tone turned serious. “That’s not true. You’ve been there when I really needed you. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you.”

He shook his head, his gaze dropping to the floor. “No, you’d have survived. You’re a fighter, Sawyer. You would have found a way to destroy the demons.”

I placed my hand over his on the armrest, a wry smile tugging at my lips. “Maybe. Still, it’s good to have a vampire at your side, especially when demons want to use you as a pin cushion.”

He chuckled. “I guess I’m good for something.”

My heart raced as I looked into his intense eyes. I struggled to find the words to express how much he meant to me, but they died on my lips.

My brother and Lisa had grown quiet behind us, and I felt Damon’s sharp gaze burning into us. The last thing I wanted was to fight with Damon about why I shouldn’t be attracted to a vampire. I knew all the reasons. Justice could be casting some dark magic to make me want him, but that wasn’t it. It wasn’t magic or a spell that drew me to him. It was his raw charisma and magnetism. He stirred something deep within me that no other man ever had or would.

The stewardess stopped spewing the same boring message about protocols if the plane crashed. I never wanted to hear those messages. Thinking about smashing into the ground or crashing into the ocean left me with the urge not to ever fly.

As the plane took off, I squeezed my eyes shut and clutched the armrest. The deafening roar of the engines rattled my bones, and I couldn’t bring myself to even glance out the window.

A soft voice whispered in my ear. “Relax, fighter. I promise I’ll protect you.”

I opened my eyes to Justice’s comforting smile, and a wave of reassurance blew over me like a warm summer breeze.

I gave him a tight smile, but my body was as tense as a stretched rubber band, ready to snap at the slightest provocation. My heart raced, and my palms grew clammy as I tried to maintain my composure.

He nudged me with a playful smirk. “Imagine that. A badass supernatural hunter afraid of an airplane ride,” he teased.

I glared at him, my jaw clenching. “I don’t fly that often.”

His expression sobered, and he tilted his head, studying me. “Why?”

I hesitated, my gaze dropping to my hands. “Because my dad was afraid of flying. He was also in an airplane crash when he was a kid.”

His gaze glazed over with shock. “Really? What happened?”

Dad rarely talked about it. I think airplanes scared him more than vampires or even demons. “It was during Christmas time, during a bad snowstorm. The plane had to make an emergency landing in Ohio and skidded off the runway.”

Justice drew in a sharp breath and placed a comforting hand on my forearm. “I’m sorry, Sawyer. I had no idea.”

The plane leveled out, and I inhaled deeply, my bunched muscles slowly unraveling. “Flying was never on the Grant family to-do list. We drove everywhere.”

His rough fingers grazed his chin as he pondered. “I never would have figured that about your dad. His bravery is legendary.”

I chuckled. “Except when it comes to flying. He turns into a whimpering wiener dog.”