After taking a deep breath to regain his composure, Brody looked his teammates in the eye. “Enough,” he snapped. “We’re on the same team here. We can’t afford to turn against each other when there’s so much at stake. That’s what Maci wants. To tear us apart. Let’s focus on what we need to do and move forward together.”
I clasped my brother’s clenched fist, feeling the tension in his muscles. Beneath the anger, I sensed his fear. He was afraid he would lose me like he did Mom. “Damon,” I urged softly, holding his gaze. “I know it’s dangerous, but going with Lisa to find her pets is no less dangerous.”
Damon’s jaw tightened, but understanding flickered in his eyes. His fist relaxed slightly under my touch, and I knew even though he hated the idea of me facing the dangers of the Unseelie world alone, he recognized the truth in my words.
He turned away from me, looked at Brody, and nodded.
Brody returned a firm, encouraging gaze. “Then we know what we must do. We need to protect not only the people of Edinburgh but also safeguard our world and the realms of the Fae. This is our duty, to stand together against threats to our peace and security. Let’s show them what we’re made of. United, as one force.”
His speech swelled us with hope and pride. We were a team, and we weren’t doing this alone. Around the table, I saw the change. Eyes brightened, shoulders squared, and a few of us even nodded subtly, reaffirming our mission. A renewed sense of purpose filled the air, a shared resolve that we were not fighting for ourselves but for something much greater.
The waitress returned, and we quietly paid our bill and slowly filed from the brewery. Outside, Justice and I met with Garrick away from the others.
“We can go now.” Garrick gestured toward an alley. “There’s a portal there that will lead to the Unseelie Realm.”
Justice shook his head, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Nice try, Unseelie King,” he scoffed, his voice laced with sarcasm. “We gather our weapons and meet you back here in twenty minutes.” He crossed his arms, his stance unyielding.
Garrick put his hand on his chest with a mock expression of hurt. “Justice, I’m shocked. You don’t trust me?” His words dripped with fake sincerity, and I could almost see the amusement dancing in his eyes.
Justice clutched my hand and pulled me away, his body tense with protective instinct. “When we’re in the Unseelie Realm, you stay close to me and don’t wander off.” His gaze locked with mine, and I saw the depth of his concern and the unspoken plea for me to take his warning seriously.
I nodded, trying to inject some levity into the situation. “It’s not like I’m going to go shopping there.” My smile felt forced. The gravity of our impending journey weighed heavily on me, and I added more solemnly, “Don’t worry. I have no intention of becoming a permanent fixture in that world.”
A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of being trapped in the Unseelie Realm forever, and I silently vowed to stick close to Justice, no matter what dangers we faced.
We headed to the rest of the group while Garrick leaned against the wall with faint amusement in his eyes. Scott left with Chelby and Jonas for the Court of Blossoms. I wished I was going with them instead of the dark world of the Unseelie Realm, but I didn’t get dealt that card.
Damon stared at Garrick uneasily. “What’s the deal with the king of the leprechauns over there?”
Justice glanced over his shoulder. “You’d better stop calling him that.”
Damon scowled. “Why, he’s gonna curse me?”
Justice put his hand on my lower back as we navigated the dimly lit streets back toward McDuff Manor. The warmth of his touch was a comforting presence in the cool afternoon air. “Because he could make all your hair fall out if you piss him off,” Justice warned, his tone serious despite the absurdity of the statement.
Damon rolled his eyes, his lips twisting into a wry grin as he muttered, “Great, just what I need. Another bald Tuesday.”
I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound echoing off the stone walls surrounding us. Even if my brother was bald, he’d still be knocking the girls dead with his wit and smile. Yet, as quickly as the mirth came, a cold thought cut off my laughter, sobering me instantly. What if the Grimoire wanted the memories of my brother? That would kill me. He was my twin, and we had a special bond. An unbreakable connection I couldn’t bear to lose.
As we headed back, I looked up at Justice. “I was wondering, do Garrick and this Maggie have a romantic relationship?”
“Possibly. After we defeated Baka, Maggie returned to the Unseelie world and didn’t come back. She was definitely smitten by him. You could see it in how she looked at him, so she could be there by choice.”
“Or not,” I mumbled. The chilling thought was that Justice didn’t correct me.
In the solitude of my room at McDuff Manor, I methodically prepared for the journey ahead. With each piece of equipment I donned, the reality of our impending venture into the Unseelie Realm seemed to settle more heavily upon my shoulders.
I slipped on my trusty leather jacket, the supple material molding to my frame like a second skin. The familiar scent of worn leather filled my nostrils, a small comfort in the face of the unknown. With practiced movements, I securely placed my blades into the specially designed pockets, ensuring they were within easy reach should danger strike.
Next, I reached for my bow, the smooth wood worn from countless hours of use. I ran my fingers along the curve, finding solace in the familiar texture. As I slung the quiver of arrows across my back, the weight of the projectiles served as a reminder of the battles that likely lay ahead.
I drew a deep breath, trying to calm the unease in my gut. As I looked around the room, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was ill-prepared for what awaited us in the Unseelie Realm. Our usual arsenal, safely stowed away in the trunk of the Ford Fairlane, felt like a distant memory. The weapons I’d gathered would have to suffice, but doubt lingered at the edges of my mind.
With one last glance in the mirror, I squared my shoulders and steeled my resolve. There was no turning back now. Whatever challenges the Unseelie Realm had in store, I would face them head-on, armed with the tools at my disposal and the strength of my convictions. Also, Justice promised he would stand by my side and protect me.
As I headed downstairs to rejoin the others, each step felt weighted with purpose. The time for preparation was over. Now, we were heading into the heart of danger, and all I could do was trust in my skills, my allies, and the knowledge that failure was not an option.
The rest of the team waited for me in the living room. Damon approached me, clutched my shoulders, and stared into my eyes with fear and apprehension. His face was tight, as if it took everything he had to calm himself.