Brody agreed grimly. “It’s definitely demonic. There’s also rumors of a dark presence moving in the shadows.”
“Maci,” I grumbled.
“We suspect that,” Scott finally spoke. “Nothing for sure. People say it’s large, but they don’t know what it is. She’s playing games.”
“And people are disappearing,” Brody added. “We plan to investigate tomorrow.”
Damon ran a hand through his hair, frustration and resolve settling into his features as the pieces started to fit together. “Possession, dark presences, and now people are playing Houdini? Sounds like our kind of party.” The sarcasm in his voice thinly veiled the underlying seriousness.
Goosebumps rolled over me. The last thing I wanted was to be scratched or marked by a demon. Or worse, be kidnapped by one.
Justice seemed to notice, and protectiveness flashed in his dark eyes. I wanted to believe him, but I was sleeping next to him on the plane, and those demons attacked me, leaving marks on my neck.
“We need to find out more about the demons and how they’re choosing their targets,” Justice insisted. “I have a contact in Edinburgh who might be able to help us. We’ll start there.”
I wanted to ask him who this contact was, but he and Brody headed up the stairs into the manor, talking in soft murmurs as if having a hushed argument.
Sean’s face paled as he looked into the sky like he was afraid a monster was flying over our heads, but I didn’t see anything.
He grabbed Lisa’s and my luggage. “Follow me, please, everyone.” Something in his tone hinted at danger in the air.
I nodded, pushing down my doubts and fears. We had a long road ahead of us, but with Justice, Damon, and the others by my side, I knew we would face whatever horrors lay in wait. For now, all we could do was take it one step at a time and hope we were strong enough to overcome the darkness threatening to consume us all.
Sean led us into the manor, and I couldn’t help but notice the pride in his eyes as my brother, Lisa, and I took in his place with looks of awe. The cozy, welcoming atmosphere enveloped us, the scent of fresh linen and the soft crackling of a fireplace offering a much-needed respite from the demons and dangers lurking outside. I glanced at my brother, seeing the same appreciation and comfort in his eyes, and felt a pang of gratitude for Sean’s hospitality and the sense of safety it provided amid our troubles.
“Please, follow me to your rooms,” Sean invited as he headed toward a hallway.
I was surprised we got our own rooms, but I could see why. The rooms were smaller than an American hotel room, only big enough to accommodate a queen-sized bed and a dresser. The bathroom was one of the smallest I’d ever seen. A tiny shower, a toilet, and a sink.
“It’s perfect.” Lisa smiled as she set her bag on the bed. “After being on that plane, I feel like I can finally breathe again.”
I nodded. After the chaos and danger of our journey so far, the simple comfort of a quiet room and a soft bed felt like a luxury beyond measure.
I needed to do something normal, so I unpacked my suitcase. As I opened my drawers, something caught the corner of my eye. Again, my tattoo turned red-hot as if turning on the sirens. A dark shadow darted across the window, its movements too swift and deliberate to be a mere trick of the light.
I rushed to the window, my heart pounding, but I couldn’t see anything. The grounds outside were still and silent as if they were holding their breath in anticipation of some unseen threat.
Had that been Maci? The thought chilled my heart, and I rubbed my warm arm. If she was here, watching us, we needed to be more careful than ever. The manor might be a sanctuary, but with a shadow dragon like Maci on our trail, nowhere was truly safe.
My bow and arrows were tucked in the bottom of the suitcase, and I quickly grabbed them. I glanced out the window, ready to fire an arrow into Maci’s black heart if she showed herself, but I only saw the flower pots hanging from the front porch stuffed with purple, pink, red, and white heathers.
I carefully lowered my bow and arrow, but my arm still wouldn’t stop the hot sensation warning me of danger. Something was out there. I couldn’t see it with my human eyes, but I knew it was there, watching and waiting to strike.
Someone tapped lightly on my door. I turned to see my frowning brother.
“What’s wrong?” Concern laced his voice.
“I thought I saw a dark shadow.” I continued to scan the area outside the window.
Damon leaned against the doorframe, watching with an approving nod as I stashed my bow and arrows away.
He followed my movements. “Nice choice of weaponry. But remember, Maci’s not going to go down with a sharp stick and a good aim. These kinds of things…they’re tricky. You’ve got to hit them where it hurts. Usually, that’s not the heart—if they even have one.”
I released a long sigh. “I know, but I keep thinking of that dream I had on the plane. It’s a warning. I know it is.”
He caught the frustrated yet determined look in my eyes and came alongside me. “You’re doing the right thing, staying alert. But that hot sensation, that’s your instinct talking. It’s worth more than any fancy weapons. Trust it.”