Shutting me out like he always does.
My heart sinks, sizzling to ash in my stomach as I quietly spin on my heel and walk out of the room.
Wow, he really is resolved to not want me.
But that can’t be right. The way his body responded to mine was a dead giveaway. The man wants me. I can tell.
I pause at the top of the stairs. Maybe I should go back and talk to him again.
He’s asked you to leave enough times tonight, Tammy. Just go downstairs, for God’s sake!
With a soft huff, I pad back down to the kitchen. I don’t know what to do with myself, so I start spraying and wiping down the already clean kitchen counter. Then I notice the smallest mark on the door beneath the sink and decide to wipe down every freaking door in the kitchen.
What the hell else am I going to do?
My chin bunches, those tears I’ve been fighting threatening to spill free.
I messed up so badly that summer.
And it appears that there’s nothing I can do to fix it.
Shit, I’m a douchebag.
No, I’m a fuckwit.
Or maybe I’m just a…
“Coward. You’re a coward.” Saying the words out loud is like punching myself in the balls.
I plunk onto the edge of my bed, gripping the mattress and swearing under my breath.
“Fuck!” Digging my toes into the rug beneath my bed, I glare at my knees and wrestle with the war going on in my stomach.
Or maybe it’s my brain.
Shit, they’re both going nuts.
Half of me wants to hide under the covers and never come out.
Another wants to run downstairs and pull Tammy into my arms and promise her that she’s the only girl for me. Tell her how much I want to worship her body. Tell her how much I desperately want to be the guy who can make her come… make her feel better than she ever has before.
But what if I can’t do that?
I don’t know shit.
“Fuck.” I squeeze my forehead, my leg starting to bob uncontrollably.
What’s she doing right now?
Has she walked out fuming?
She was definitely upset, but was she angry upset or hurt upset?
“Dammit,” I softly whine, closing my eyes and hating myself.