I’m right. I can feel it in my core as my courage builds and I say the things we both need to hear.
“It’s okay to fail at a marriage that was forced onto us. We shouldn’t feel guilty about that.”
“You’re my wife,” he murmurs. “That’s supposed to be a lifelong thing.”
“Yeah.” I nod. “It is. But not when it’s killing you.”
His eyes flash with something I can’t decipher. I don’t know if he’s livid or hurt or disappointed—maybe all three.
Sucking in a ragged breath, he rests his hand on the counter and mutters, “You really going to leave me?”
“I think I should. For both our sakes.”
He works his jaw to the side, nodding and staring at the wall before finally saying, “Fine. Do what you want. But I’m keeping Kai.”
“What?” The word is more of a squeak than anything. He can’t be serious. “You… you don’t even want him!”
“He’s mine.”
“That’s not the point!” I start to yell. “He’s mine too. And I’m the one who’s raising him! He barely sees you! You work all the time. Who’s supposed to look after him?”
“I’ll get a nanny.”
My eyes bulge, my head jerking back in horror. “My son is not being raised by a nanny when he has a perfectly good mother who will give him everything he needs and more. You are not taking my son away from me.”
“And you’re not taking him away from me!” he thunders back. “Which means you have to stay!”
My shoulders deflate as I stare at him with a pitying frown. “You’re seriously blackmailing me to stay?”
His nostrils flare.
“Why? Why would you want to be married to someone who doesn’t even want to be here?”
My words hurt him, and I hate myself for it, but this needs to be said.
“Please,” I whisper. “Be reasonable.”
With a stiff shake of his head, he snatches his tie off the kitchen counter and stalks out of the room.
I’m too numb to move.
This can’t be the end of our conversation.
But do you think I have the energy to keep it going right now?
I guess a small part of me was hoping I could pack my bags and walk out the door tonight. Maybe I still could, but I can’t imagine Hudson letting me take Kai without a fight. I won’t put my son through that trauma.
My freedom is going to have to wait.
Looks like I’ll be fighting for my kid before I can finally leave this house.
I just pray I have the strength to withstand what’s coming my way.
It’s time to head home. After my outburst on Main Street yesterday, Gladstone is abuzz with gossip of the troublesome Brown kid. I feel kind of bad for Dad as I pack my stuff.