“You stay out of it,” Mr. Tan barks. “You don’t go near my daughter. You’ve only ever been trouble for her.”
I pop up straight, frowning down at him. “I’m not the one who got her pregnant and forced her into a life that doesn’t make her happy, Mr. Tan.”
“Like you could ever offer her half of what Hudson has given her.”
The comment stings, but I hold my ground, gripping those grocery bags like my life depends on it.
“I know you’ve always been after my girl, but you’re not good enough for her.”
“I’m plenty good enough,” I argue, surprised the words are popping out of my mouth so easily. “And if she wants me, I’d have her in a heartbeat, and I would love her with everything I’ve got. And it would be her choice to be with me, not something imposed on her by overbearing parents who only care about appearances and the judgment of everyone else in this narrow-minded town!” I’m bellowing now and getting looks from across the street and out storefront windows.
I don’t give a rat’s ass.
Let all of them look.
Let all of them fucking know.
“I love Tamara Tan! I always will! And she deserves better than an unfaithful husband and a marriage that is broken because it was forced on her when she was a terrified kid!”
With their faces flushed and mouths agape, I walk away from the stunned table and slam into my truck.
The engine feels a million times louder than normal as I rev it and squeal away from the curb.
I’ve gone and done it now.
The gossip tree is going to be shaking something fierce.
I give it less than an hour before everyone in Gladstone knows about my outburst.
It won’t take long for Tammy to find out either, and I can only imagine the reports she’s going to get.
I don’t want her finding out that way.
Speeding home, I pull into the driveway and park around the back of the house. Dad’s still at work, so I stay in the truck, huffing and grunting as I pull up Tammy’s email address on my phone. I could text or call her, but I don’t want Hudson spotting something on the screen and making things more difficult for her. If he’s home when this comes through…
An email notification could pop up, too, dumbass.
My brain starts muttering at me, but I ignore its warning and type with my big, clumsy thumbs…
Hey TT,
You’re probably going to hear about this soon enough, but I just went off on your parents right in the middle of town. Maybe not my finest moment, but fuck me, it feels awesome too. I’m sorry if it makes your life harder, but I just wanted them to know that it wasn’t their place to manipulate your life the way they have been.
You’re a grown woman. A mother. You’re strong and tenacious, and you deserve every good thing.
If you want to stay with Hudson because you love him, then do it. Fight for him. Fight for your marriage. Make it work.
But if this relationship is killing your soul… then do something about it.
You’re strong enough to leave him, Tammy.
You’re strong enough to face all the ugliness that might come in the aftermath. I know it won’t be easy, but you can do it.
And if you want me to, I’ll stand by your side all the way.
Even if it’s just as a friend.