Page 91 of The Only Goal

Maybe that’s how it’s meant to be, you know?

Maybe I do want a man who will drive through the night to win me back.

I try to bolster myself with that fact as I clear my throat and put on a bright smile for Kai.

“Once you’ve finished your breakfast, we’re gonna pack up our stuff and follow Daddy home, okay?”

Kai’s lips purse for a second, but then he nods. “Okay, Mommy.”

“Good boy.” I kiss the top of his head and avoid Rachel’s heartbroken gaze as I slip out of the room.

As soon as I’m out of sight, I rest my back against the wall and fight an onslaught of gut-wrenching sobs. My body jerks with them as I struggle to keep my composure.

“Tam?” Hudson appears in the hallway.

His expression folds as he takes in my wrecked face, and then he’s against me in a heartbeat, pulling me to his chest and holding me.

“I’ve got you,” he whispers. “It’s okay. We’re gonna get through this.”

I let me him hold me because I’m too distraught to do anything else. He has no idea why I’m so broken, and it’s probably best that he never does.

“Shhhh, it’s okay, baby.” His soft voice comforts me, and I end up clinging to him, crying against his shoulder as his arms envelop me.

He’s not turning his back and walking out the door.

He came for me. He drove through the night for me.

And that has to count for something.

So, I’ll go back to my marriage, I guess.

I’ll go back, and I’ll make it work because it’s the right thing to do.

Because my heart can’t handle the pain of having Baxter push me out of his life yet again.



I stayed away from the house for as long as I could.

I walked so far that Fezzik ran out of steam and I had to carry him most of the way back. Poor little guy. It was selfish of me to go so far, but I couldn’t stand the thought of watching Tammy and Kai drive away.

By the time I get back to the house, Lani and Asher are there, along with Liam, who obviously came back to comfort a distraught Rachel. Why is she so destroyed? It’s not like her heart just drove off down the highway.

The second she sees me, her eyes start to glisten, and she bunches a tissue into her eyes.

“They’re gone. They left about half an hour ago.”

I nod, not saying anything as I get myself a glass of water.

“She was pretty upset. Trying to hold it together for Kai, but… you could tell she was wrecked.”

Clenching my jaw, I grip the sink and fight the urge to smash my glass on the floor.

“How could you let her go so easily?” Lani’s voice is soft, but there’s a measure of heat underlying her tone.

I snap my eyes toward her and notice Asher rise a little higher in his chair, putting a protective arm around her shoulders.