Fuck, my heart is being ripped out of my chest right now.
Rachel lets out a trembling breath, and I can see her fighting tears.
Tammy can’t speak, and I’m not gonna last much longer.
“Baxter? Where are you going?” Kai’s little voice is like another knife blade in my back, but I hide all my pain, walking back over to him and holding out my fist.
He bumps my big knuckles with his little ones.
“I’ve got to go do some jobs.”
“Can I come?”
“No, buddy, you’re going home with Mommy and Daddy now.”
“Oh.” Kai looks to his mother for confirmation. He doesn’t really get the gravity of all this, but I’m sure he’s picking up the emotion in the room.
Tammy’s lips wobble as she stares at her son.
“But thank you so much for staying. It’s been the best vacation with you.”
“I had fun.” Kai’s voice is soft and wispy, maple syrup dripping off his fork as he holds it in the air and looks at me. “Can I come back sometime?”
“Of course. You’re welcome anytime.” My voice breaks, and I clear my throat. “And you keep in touch, okay? You call me whenever you want. Your mom’s got my number.” I sniff and lean my arms on the counter. “And when you become a professional hockey player, you send me some tickets. I’ll come to your games.” I wink, and Kai grins.
Shit, losing Tammy my senior year was a piece of cake compared to this.
“Look after Mommy for me, okay?”
“I will.” He smiles, and I bolt out the door before he tries to hug me.
Before I have to look at anyone else.
Before they see the tears blurring my vision.
I stay in the kitchen, swaying on my feet as I listen to Baxter in the mudroom. He shoves his big feet into those boots he loves so much, and I hear Fezzik yapping excitedly. The door opens, then slams shut. I flinch, Fezzik’s happy bark fading into the distance as Baxter walks away from me.
Why does it hurt so freaking much?
Haven’t I chosen Hudson?
Haven’t I done the right thing for my family?
Anger flares through me, a white-hot emotion I wasn’t expecting.
But it burns bright as I think about Baxter, no doubt shoving his hands into his pockets and hunching his shoulders as he leaves me to piece my marriage back together.
Why didn’t he fight for me?
He never has, and he never will.
I might be the only girl he’s ever wanted, but once again he’s let Hudson sweep into our lives and take me away.