Page 128 of The Only Goal

“Wanna play?” Baxter swipes his tongue into my mouth before I can respond.

I moan against his lips, tugging at his shirt and quickly ridding him of the fabric. Within seconds we’re both naked, skin-on-skin contact in full effect as he continues to paint pictures with his fingers and drive my body to the point of insanity with his warm touch.

“Tell me you love me,” I whisper in his ear.

He sucks my neck, licking a path to my chin before murmuring against my skin, “I love you.”

His sexy voice sends tendrils of pleasure firing through me as I lean back and gaze into his eyes. “I love you too.” I kiss his mouth. “And you were right…” I kiss his chin, rising higher on my knees and wrapping my fingers around his cock. Lining us up, I wait until he’s perched at my entrance before saying, “Cupid did know what he was doing.”

I sink onto him, his groan vibrating through me. Tight fingers grip my hips as I take him all the way. I clutch his shoulders, whimpering with pleasure, my head tipping back. He licks my throat, and I start to ride him—slow, languid strokes that fill me to my core.

“I love you,” I whisper again, like they’re the only words I know.

It’s all I can feel as he takes me past the point of ecstasy.

I cling to him, scraping my teeth across his broad shoulder, then crying out when his thumb finds my clit and stars scatter across my vision.

There are no words to describe how good this feels, so it’s lucky we don’t need any. I lean back, staring into his face and seeing everything he wants to tell me, finally understanding that look in his eyes, knowing what his every touch means.

We instinctively pick up the pace, creating a perfect rhythm as our breaths and moans blend, composing music that’s all our own.

The orgasm crescendos inside me, my eyes snapping shut as I stop breathing, my body going taut just before that electrifying release. Baxter groans, his fingers digging into me as he thrusts hard, and we hit that high together.

It’s pure magic—new and thrilling and wondrous.

Because Baxter Brown… is the guy I was meant to be with all along.



It’s been nearly two years since Tammy and Kai moved to Nolan.

It’s definitely had its ups and downs. Hudson tried to get that court case pumping after Tammy sent him the divorce papers. He was out to hurt her for leaving him and he did pretty well too. She cried buckets throughout the process. He got nasty, accusing her of all kinds of shit she never did. Thankfully, Asher’s family hooked us up with a kick-ass lawyer and Hudson got put in his place. They were able to settle within the year.

Hudson now sees Kai once a month in Gladstone. Well, his parents definitely do. Hudson doesn’t always make it, much to my annoyance.

It means we have to travel back to our hometown the last weekend of every month, but it’s a good chance to see my dad, and we’re making it work. Kai and Hudson stay with the Clarks while we stay with Dad, and Tammy pops next door to visit with her folks. Not sure I’ll ever be invited over there myself—Kai and Tammy do a special Tan dinner just before we fly back each Sunday evening.

Her dad did wave to me over the fence last time I was raking leaves on Dad’s lawn, so that’s a win, right?

But I still haven’t heard back from the message I left on his voicemail last week. “Mr. Tan. I just wanted you to know that I’m planning on asking Tamara to marry me. I’m not asking for your permission, as it’s her decision, but it’d be so much easier and more joyful for her if we could have your blessing. I’ve loved your daughter most of my life, and I promise that’s not going to change. We make a great team, and I’m really hoping you and Mrs. Tan can get behind us on this. Tammy deserves for this to be the happiest time in her life.”

I was going to wait until I heard back from him before popping the question, but it’s been six days, and I have to ask her tonight.

Tammy’s due home from her summer job at Busy Bees Daycare any minute.

“She’s coming!” Kai’s voice pitches as he rushes into the kitchen and starts jumping by the counter. His energy levels have skyrocketed since starting school. He’s going to be a big first grader this year. I honestly thought kindergarten would tire him out, but Nolan Elementary has awoken his boisterous side. He’s made awesome friends, and on the days I pick him up from school, he talks so fast that I can barely keep up with him. I listen with a smile as we drive to hockey practice or the grocery store or whatever else needs doing. We’ve found ourselves a happy routine. Tammy loved her first year of college and is practically counting the days until summer break is over—craziness.

But I get it. She’s finally getting to do all the things she couldn’t before, and I’m happy for her.

With Asher’s help, I’ve started up a handyman business and have a steady stream of work keeping me busy. Word of mouth is my main marketing tool, which is a relief because thanks to losing a bet with Mikayla (I should have known better, right?), my small company is called Baxter’s Got You Covered.

I wanted to go with something simple like BB Repairs, but no, apparently that was boring and dumb, and Mick tricked me into this stupid bet. Now I’ve got business cards with a cheesy cartoon of me in my tool belt doing the thumbs-up with a speech bubble that reads “No matter the problem, I’ve got you covered.”


The front door clicks, and I ping straight, Kai doing an excited little dance at my feet.